Chapter 2

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The last whole family ended with her and Meredith leaving. Her mom disappointed, calling her after she left asking her to come back but Kate just couldn't stand to be around Meredith when all she did was gossip and talk about her last couple of one night stands. Kate warned her she would get pregnant if she kept having one night stands and that just ended badly.

When Kate pulled up to the house she took a deep breath, she knew her mom had probably already seen her through the blinds. Soon enough her mom was outside on the porch watching her get out, get her bags, and walk slowly towards her week she feared.

An hour later another car pulled up and the person who got out was not who she thought it would be. It was the guy from the gas station she stopped at and he was with Meredith. Who Kate noticed had a slight curve to her stomach, ok so mabye they have know each other for longer than a week. A month or two at the least. She smiled when Meredith came in with her boyfriend. Meredith hugged everyone even Kate which took her by suprise. Then she introduced the guy... wait no man behind her.

"This is Rick everyone, Johanna he actually is your favorite author." Meredith said smiling.
Rick smiled and shook everyones hand, when he shook Kates they met eyes and froze until her mom started talking.

"Oh my goodness your the Richard Castle?!?" Johanna said.

Kate tryed to hold a chuckle back she should've know Meredith went after guys with the money, also because of how her mom reacted she loved Richard Castle books herself but wouldn't admit it. His books made her feel at home and safe. She knew she recognized him form somewhere he was obviously much more handsome in person than on a book cover. His blue eyes caught hers again and she felt something, she didn't know what but she felt it she wondered if he did to because he had this shy smile. The one that she would probably think would be his way of getting out of trouble when he was little.

She kept her mouth while her mom, stepdad, and Meredith rambled on about Rick being her boyfriend and blah blah blah. She just kept looking at him he was so handsome and hot. You could tell he worked by how his shirt and jeans fit him so well.

"Helllooooo Kate back to Earth!!"


"Do you have a special boy that you didn't bring along sis." Meredith said.

Kate tensed she hated that nickname and Meredith knew it. So Kate decided to mess with her.

"No but i think i might have met him at the gas station earlier. He was tall, brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. That i could stare into every morning."

Rick knew who she was talking about so he lightly chuckled. Kate thought for a couple of seconds that Meredith had caught on but it must be her pregnancy brain because she just went back on to talking.

"So Mom, Dad, and Kate we have some exciting news." Meredith glanced at Rick.

Then at the same time said "we're pregnant!!"

Kate knew it she didn't look suprised at all. Her mom and stepdad literally almost jumped in the air. They threw their arms around Meredith and congratulated the parents. Kate just rolled her eyes. Of course she would love her niece or nephew but she felt bad for Rick. For him to have to go through the pregnancy with her. She wouldn't be suprised if when the baby was born Meredith left to act again thats how she was. She didn't have the time for anyone else but herself when she wasn't pregnant so i mean why not. That baby would probably grow up without a mother. Oh lord hopefully he wouldn't propose to her.

She couldn't help what came out of her mouth next.

"So are y'all planning on getting married or are y'all gonna stay whatever it is you two are right now. Just in case it doesn't work out after the baby's born."

Everyone except for Rick looked at her with horror like she had said something wrong. She didn't think anything that just came out of her mouth was bad, not half as bad as what she could have said. Her mothers look was the worst.


"Thats none of your business." Meredith said cold.

"Oh so if my niece or nephew grows up without a mother its none of my business."

"Now, Kate that was out of line." Her mother said looking at her with the most awful look in the world.

"Why because its true?!?"

Kate turned around after this grabbed her bags and walked down the hall to her room. When she opened the door she felt a smile coming. There were pictures, old books, dvds, and old cds from when she was a teen. She picked up three of the books and smiled they were Ricks earliest works. She turned back around to go close the door but when she did she saw him sitting there. He smiled and she blushed. Now he knows shes a fan and a big one at that.

"I was just looking for the bathroom. It seems that I've stumbled on a fans room."

She blushed even harder opening her mouth to say something but couldn't find any words.

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