The Date

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Unknown's POV
I looked through the bushes while Ashton was on the phone with Sarah . Man that boy was going to pay for what he did to me . He thinks I'm dead ! What a joke . I walked up to his house and cut out the window to his room . What's I was inside I took. Look round. Pretty nice room but to bad I had to ruin it . All the expensive watches , Armani and Louis Vuitton lug ages . Maybe I should take one to keep. He had everything a kid could possibly want . I saw another pair of car keys . To a dam* BENTLEY. Those cars cost more than the house I'm living in now. I took out some red and white spray paint and went to his huge closet . This kid needs to learn how to be unhappy once in a while . I opened to red spray paint , shook it up , no went to work

1 hour later ( total sponge bob moment )

My back hurt but the room looking amazing . I spray painted his suits and clothes red , his shoes white , and the rest of the room purple and green . Boy was he in for it today .

Ashton's POV
I walked up to my front porch and unlocked my front door . Of course my parents weren't home. My mom and dad were both doctors . I basically live alone . All they do is pay the bills. I walked up the stirs and to my room . I opened the door and I couldn't believe my freaking eyes . I dropped everything and I heard a splash . Some freaking body left a bucket of paint where I was standing and I just dropped everything in there . For once I actually started to cry . All my savings where put into this room. I spent at least $150,000 on this room. I feel to my knees and looked around. My flat screen TV was spray painted green, all my good clothes where white , my shoes red , and everything else was purple . I cried and cried until I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. I knew who did this and if they want to play with fire, they will get burned. I wiped my face and stood up. I grabbed my emergency phone which happened to be the small iPhone 6. I first called 911. "911 what's your emergency ? " the operator said . " Yes hello someone broke into my home ,0. They vandalized my room and want someone to come and see if they can find any clues as to who did this " I said angrily . " yes okay sir calm down I will send an officer to come look at the damage and if you can contact your insurance company that would be helpful " she responded. " okay hurry up " I snapped. I called my insurance company and sure enough a police car was outside . I went down stairs before the officer could even knock . " hurry up come in . " I urged . We walked to my room . " geez boy you must have some real bad enemies " he said in a thick country . " are there any fingerprints " I asked ." Sorry kid but this person was a smooth criminal . You see he must have been wearing gloves. Your winder over here was cut out and there is absoulutely no trace of any prints " he said in that accent as he brush some black powder over the frame f the window to try to detect a print . " I say you spend the night at a motel or friends house for a couple days. It is no longer safe here because we know someone is out to get you." He suggested but I quickly declined . " No I'm moving away . I have to hire boy guards and a staff of protection . Staying at some friends house is not good enough" I said as I frantically called a realtor to get everything prepared . I had so much on my mind right now . I have to go on the date with Sarah which I might cancel , I have to purchase a new home which might be a bit smaller , I have to purchase new clothes and accessories . I just hope this plus school won't kill me .
Melissa's POV
I was done washing the dishes and my room . I was watching the news when I saw that Ashton's home was broken into. Dang his house was huge . Spoiled brat . I watched as they showed the damage and to be honest it was pretty bad . I saw his closet and even if it was spray painted I would still where it , he had Rolex watches , a glass case with iPhones in it , Tom ford suit cases , and more. I was so shocked. I knew he was rich but dang was Oprah his mother !!!!

So who do you think Unknown is . I haven't really given you like people that seem weird yet but it will be someone the school and no it isn't Sarah and did Ashton try to kill someone ???

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