Time Alone

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2 days later
Ashton's POV
It's been two days since the whole incident and to be honest I'm still not over it. I just can't believe someone would do this to me . Everybody likes me ! I had just woken up and and was checking my notifications. Nothing new . More followers on social media and more texts from Sarah . I sighed and got out of the bed . I put my slippers on and go to the bathroom. I flicked the light on and it slowly turned out. I closed the door and turned the water to the sink on. I washed my face and brushed my teeth with a strawberry scent toothpaste. Once i was done with that , I walked back to the room. I got dressed in a blue flannel, some blue skinny jeans and all black vans. I completed the look by rolling up the sleeves and putting on my gold Rolex watch that was embroidered with real diamonds . I styled my hair in a quiff sort of style, grabbed the keys to my Ferrari,and was out the door heading to school. I walked downstairs and and outside. I opened the garage and got in the car. Off to hell I went (school)
Melissa's POV
I was standing outside of the school at about 7:45. School started at 8 so I had some time to spare. I was wearing a knee high floral dress with some black ankle heel boots and a light pink cardigan to go with the look. I threw my hair in a really nice messy bun with my baby hairs still out . I was on my phone texting my friend Alex , who had decided to come to California (where she lives ) all the way from England . She actually was moving here and was going to be my neighbor. I had told her I would talk to her later when I saw Ashton pulling up . I don't like to be the first one to talk to people like him so I pretended I didn't see him. I heard his footsteps approach me . My heart started beating hard in my chest because what did he have to say to little ole me . I slowly looked up at him and he was right there . Right . In . My . Face . "Can I help you " I said . " Listen I know we just met but I wanted to get to know you . I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet me by the hollow tree in the far back of the school" he smiled at me . " I have to be home by 4 , I'm sorry " I replied and tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm and started to protest . " but I'm sure your parents won't mind . Come on please " he gave me a cute face and I gave in ."okay only half an hour that's it " I chuckled. " that's all I need " he then kissed my cheek and left. I stood there shocked and touched my cheek. It tingles really bad. But in a good way . I smiled and started blushing . The bell rang signaling that it was time for class. I walked into school and went to my first period class which was math . I walked in and sat at the back . I took out my journal and began taking the notes . I was solving a problem when some one slide a piece of paper on my desk. It's was from Sarah. I looked at her confused and she just rolled her eyes and kept looking at me . I looked at he note as it was face down so I couldn't see what she actually wrote. And I didn't want to , to be honest. I took the small price of paper and looked her in the eye . I crumbled the paper without reading it and threw it in the trash . She looked at me in disgust and I just gave her a fake smile and sat back down . All of a sudden she grabbed a water bottle and dumped the liquid on me . I heard everyone laughing and I couldn't even tell the teacher because she walked out the room. I looked all around and saw even the nerds laughing. The mascara is dripping and I probably look like I woke up from the dead . I look at Ashton and even he is laughing a little . And to think I actually thought he liked me. Sarah walked over to Ashton and sat on his lap. She looked right at me then kissed him in my face . I looked at them make out while the whole class wolf whistled. I grabbed my stuff and ran out the class. On my way to the bathroom , I ran into a really good looking blonde . I wiped my eyes quickly an got up . " hey are you okay " he asked " I'm fine " I whispered . " a pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying " he stated. " I'm jay"he said ." Melissa " I responded . He walked up to me and cupped my face to wipe my tears. " thanks " I whispered slightly confused as to why he was being so nice . " How about we walk to our next period together and then I can get to know you "he stated with a smile . I blushed and responded " okay " . The bell rang once again after 30 mins . We spent the whole time walking around the school. I learned his favorite color is orange and he was afraid of heights. He also like to hike and had a pet husky named marshmallow. " wow , you actually did that" I laughed as he told me a story about a time he got in trouble with the mall cops for playing with the Bras in Victoria's Secret. He told me he had to run through the food court to get away and even jumped over a few tables . " yeah . I never got into trouble like that before so I panicked and ran " he laughed . "Wow classic " I chuckled . " how about we exchange numbers and hang out sometime " he said . We switched phones to put our numbers in . " okay there you go . Well I gotta get to class so I will see you later " I said " yeah okay see you " he said then hugged me . But this time it felt like we were a puzzle piece and fit together perfectly.
Ashton's POV
I was walking to my next period with Sarah. I don't know why but I am hanging out with her more even though I don't like her . She is pretty cool though. She was dumb as a rock and could barely spell orange , but I'm living life and she can be apart of it. I walked outside and saw Melissa hugging another guy . He wasn't bad looking but his hands were in her waste which was too close to her butt for me . Yeah I know me and Sarah are practically dating now even though it's not official, but that doesn't give Melissa the right to run around with other people . I stomped over to her as she left him and went off . "WHAT THE HELL YOU LITTLE SLUT !!!" I shouted . " what are you talking about " she said and tried to walk away but I gripped her arm in a death tight grip . " you think just because I laughed at you getting a little water shower you can go around the school hooking up with everyone in sight " I shouted . " listen you little hipacrite " she started and pointed at me " I'm sick of you playing me like a deck of cards . I am not going to going to wait for you to be my friend or something . I don't even know you and you don't know me so don't you sit here and call me a slut because I hugged a friend that I might actually like . So get your filthy hands off of me and have fun with YOUR slut" she shouted then yanked her arm out of my grip and went on with her day leaving me there shocked and hurt. She likes someone else .

Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a long time . I said I was going to update everyday but I can't because of school . So I will be updating randomly . Longest chapter ever !!!

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