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So, this work will be taking over my time for a while (Novembe 30th) and is apart of @SchoolBathroom #Writingpovertycontest also just a challenge for myself :) I hope you all enjoy this as much as I will, writing it!


Chapter One


Living on the streets, isn't fun, it's not all amazing and wonderful not having to live without parents, having to fight to survive, or even just getting food if you're slowly running out of money, is a hassle that's not worth anything.

Now, after living on the streets for seven measly months, I'm ready to go back to living in a rat infested hole. It's cold out, winter almost, and I'm near to freezing. There's no hope for me and never will be, I can't move anymore, the cops have given up on trying to get me off the streets because they know I won't take it and now, I'm paying for it big time.

Shivering I curled in on myself more trying to give myself some some kind of comfort that I'd be fine if I could just get through the night. I had enough money to get me some kind of food at the little grocery store not far from the alley I was currently resident too.

My tattered and dirt covered clothes were doing nothing to protect me from the freezing cold air that surrounded my whole being; Inside and out.

All I wished for was a place that I didn't have to worry about, somewhere warm, where I could eat without having to worry about my next meal, not having to worry if I was going to get mugged the next time I walked onto the sidewalk, or getting mugged in the only place I could call a 'home'.

Currently sleeping outside, in a dark alleyway behind a few dumpsters that belonged to some type of store probably wasn't my smartest move, but there was a ventilation system that ran somewhat warm air out into the frigid cold abyssair. It wasn't much but it the best I could do.

That was until I heard a bunch of loud, drunk men walking down the alleyway to where I was. Not that they knew anyone was down here, they were rich by the looks of their clothes, and I didn't like them one bit.

I had a reason too, as soon as they got sight of me they, stopped and stared like I was an animal. They all got these identical smirks on their faces before they quickly pinned me to the wall that I had been leaning against.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" One of the men slurred, stepping closer with a weird tint in his eyes making me shiver even more than I was already from the cold. The man was bigger than me, all three of them were. I stood no chance with my sorry excuse of a body, I probably looked like a mummy, not that if I ever got the chance to look at myself in the mirror, I wouldn't want to see what I looked like. I just knew it was horrible.

"What should we do with this little runt?" Another asked a evil smirk spreading across his face. It seemed to spread to the other two as they slowly started to come near me making me whimper, struggling to get out of the man's tight grip as he held me firmly against the wall, making sure I couldn't get away.

"P-Please leave m-me be I have nothing," I choked out as they started to roughly take my only clothes off, this wasn't going to end will at all. I needed to get away and now.

They all laughed at my weak attempt to get them to stop, I could do nothing even though I kept struggling earning me countless slaps and kicks from the two who weren't holding me down. I screamed out in pain as my last piece of clothing was removed from my slender frame.

"N-No please, I have a bit of money but that's all, please take that and l-leave," I coughed out, choking on my own blood. They didn't even so much as look at me as the larger one of the group unzipped his pants, the still evil and menacing smirk plastered on his face as he took his shaft out of his pants and boxers, stepping closer to me.

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