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Chapter Three


I watched as Seth lit up at the fact that I finally figured out my name. Even if the bath he had given me was now gone to waste and I was covered in sweat.

"Let's go get you cleaned up again okay Regan?" I don't know why everytime Seth said my name it gave me shivers. It sounded so nice coming out of his mouth, was that creepy? I don't know?

"Regan? Are you alright?" Seth asked looking worried as I looked up at him coming back from my thoughts. I nodded as he picked me up, walking towards the bathroom once again.

Five months later

Walking down the stairs I smile seeing my little boy sitting g in the couch with Oliver watching something in the TV. I smile wider when he sees me and smiles a bright smile.

These past five months have been alright, Regan us slowly figuring out his past and has become somewhat with eating and sleeping a full seven to eight hours even with the occasional flashbacks in the night.

It's been a fun few months and I love that he chose to stay with me when he was finally deemed healed by Melina a few days ago. He still let's me carry him around the house though, I'm thinking it's because it's become apart sort of a routine.

"Seth come watch Lilo and Stitch with us!" Regan said happily now bouncing on the couch, Oliver smirked chuckling at his hyper behavior, but that was usual for Regan, it gave us something to look forward to in the days to come. Even if he had only become hyper the past two months after he got used to me and Oliver around him almost all the time, and finally came out of his 'shell' so to say. It was really heartwarming to know he was finally starting to trust us, he'd even started falling asleep in my arms and we'd started to sleep together.

I smiled at Regan giving Oliver a quizzical glance at the fact they were both watching a children movie - not that I minded, I wanted Regan happy - Oliver just smiled as I sat down next to him. Regan instantly climbing in my lap as soon as I was seated in between the two of them.

"How's the movie Raven?" I ask chuckling at his reaction to the nickname giving me a big pout.

"Good Starling! I really like it, the dog - alien thingy is so cute," he giggles and I'm surprised to hear the new nickname, it's been months since he last tried to call me something other than my actual name - Oliver laughed at his attempt somehow getting Regan to think he hated it - It was cute of him to do so even if he didn't think so.

"He has watched this movie three times now," Oliver cuts in smiling slightly as he gets up to go and do a sweep of my property.

I look back at Regan smiling - which then slowly fades as I realize it's past dinner - and look down at him. He usually won't eat unless km around even then he'll only mainly eat chicken noodle soup and maybe a piece of chicken or bread if I beg him to - which I have no shame in doing. Occasionally he'll eat something I cook for him but it's rare.

"Have you eaten yet Raven?" I ask softly, he looks down, not looking at me anymore his hyper persona disappearing completely as he shakes his head no, looking anywhere but me.

I sigh picking him up asked walking towards the kitchen "You know eating is important no matter how much you dislike it," he nods like a scolded child. I knew he hated eating, but it was necessary for life and he knew it.


I felt bad that I didn't eat like Starling told me to but I'm really not hungry, I ate some cereal and a piece of peanut butter toast for breakfast so why would I be hungry now? I watch as Seth makes something for me to eat, I sigh watching him curiously wishing I could make my own food instead of having to bother Tarzan - Oliver - and Starling all the time.

"Here Raven, Mac and cheese, you'll like it, it's full of cheese and macaroni," He says with a smile setting down a now steaming bowl.


Oliver had run in while me and Seth were watching a movie, whispering something to Seth who tensed, but tried to hide it.

"I'll be back soon Regan. Stay here okay?" He said kissing my forehead like he's started doing every time he leaves me, whether for work or getting up in the mornings, not the I mind though, I like Seth a lot, he's really nice to me and it seems like he cares... not that that means anything My last 'Flashback' as Seth calls it was a man with a whip in his hand, he was whipping another boy who was tied to a cross, I had to watch the whole thing while someone else was hurting me. I couldn't see what he was doing though.

I sigh standing up and walking upstairs to our room. Wait, no it's not our room, it's Seth's'.


"Sir, someone is at the the door claiming to be Regan's family. He is threatening to call the cops if he doesn't see him now." Oliver whispers into my ear. Keeping an eye on Regan as I try not to tense, I nod at Oliver.

"I'll be back soon Regan stay here okay?" I say kissing his forehead before setting him back down on the couch after I'm standing. He nods and I smile before leaving the room, my mind racing. How did this man figure out I had Regan? Was he lying about being his family? Would I actually have to give Regan up? What was I saying? Regan wasn't an object and never will be, it was Regan's choice whether or not he'd go with whoever was at the door.

"Can I help you?" I drawled meeting the door, and a very muscular man who looked nothing like my little Raven.

"You have something I'd like back." the man grumbled out, cutting straight to the point. Something didn't seem right with this man, he had this wrong persona around him that I didn't like at all, he lied. It was obvious that he wasn't related to Regan.

"I don't know what you are talking about sir, I do not own or having anything in my possession that would possibly belong to you," I gritted out signaling for Oliver to get rid of this man "If I ever see you on my property again I'll call the cops and get a restraining order and maybe press charges," I turn and walk away making a mental note to get Oliver to try and find information on the man later.

First I need to go check on my Raven, I instantly tense and panic when I notice Regan not in the living room where I left him, I made a mad dash to our room praying that he got tired and wanted to have a nap.

Thank the heavens that I was right too. There he was passed out on our bed cuddling into my pillow.

I smile letting out a breath of relief as I make my way over to the bed hauling off my shirt as I take the place of my pillow Regan instantly cuddling into me. My mind wanders back to the man. I try to wrack my brain for any flashbacks Regan has told me of that involve a big burly muscular man who looks ready to rip someone's head off with one wrong move, not that I'd take his bull.

Raven was staying with me until he said he didn't want to anymore, and even then I'd put up a fight.

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