Chapter Fiveteen

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I was pinned against the wall and cuffed with in a matter of seconds. Some one called the cops and busted all of us, and I bet I know who. I just got a butt load of money and now I'm going back to prison. This is not how I envisioned this night to go. But wait until I tell them that James has Zayn and everything he planned to do with him. That motherfucker will pay. I swear of it.


Before I could even make a deal with that dumb broad who stole Zayn from me, the police were swarming this place like a bee hive. Everyone in the bid room was detained and some were hand cuffed. I was one of the blokes who were hand cuffed. Who would have possibly called the cops? I was so close to getting that beautiful boy. Who ever ruined my plans is going to pay.


I got a text from Harry saying his plan worked and they were far away from here. I excused myself from the table and walked outside. Making sure there was no one around, I called the police. I told them the exact location and what was happening. Once we hung up I ran back to Liam. "Hey, I heard someone outside talking to the police, we better get out of here," I whispered to him. He just nodded his head. He didn't bother to warn anyone else, but his brother. He just sent him a quick text message and we left. If anyone found out it was me, they were going to make me pay. They might even try to kill me.


When Harry called me and told me the news I couldn't help but squeal. I called Mrs. Malik and told her Zayn was coming home. I didn't bother to tell her what had happened. I figured Zayn would like to tell her himself. Before we hung up she invited me over for tea and wait until her son's arrival. So now, I currently sit upon her couch, sipping tea and anxiously waiting for Zayn and Harry. When the front door opened, I jumped up and ran to Zayn engulfing him into a hug. I let go and smiled at him. "I'm so glad you're back!"

"Zayn!" his mum yelled. She wrapped her arms around him and started to cry. "Where were you? I was worried sick!"

"It's a long story and I'm tired. I will tell you tomorrow, yeah?" he sighed. Mrs. Malik nodded.

"Thank you, Harry for finding him and bringing him home safe," she said, and flashed a big smile at him. I was so glad that he was home, but those bastards are going to pay for what they did to my best mate.


I was so happy to be home. It feels like I have been gone for months when I was really only gone for a few days. After I ate some of my mum's soup, Harry helped me upstairs. He tucked me into bed and kissed my forehead like I was some child. But I didn't mind. "Thank you, for saving me, Harry," I gave him a small smile.

"It's the least I could do. I got you into this mess in the first place," he said and looked down at his feet.

"I know, but you could have just left me to die and-"

"But I didn't. Let's just drop this whole thing, please." He said shutting me up. I nodded slowly. My eyes began to feel heavier. When I saw Harry heading for my door I stopped him.

"Can you stay? Please. Just for the night?" I asked, looking at him with my big brown eyes.

"I guess," Harry smiled, taking his shoes off and lying beside me. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. We laid there in silence and I just thought about how glad I was to be in Harry's arms. I'm going to make sure Liam pays for what he helped his brother do.


When I woke up it took me a second to remember where I was. I looked down at Zayn to see he was frowning in his sleep. I kissed his sad lips and his eyebrows furrowed further. "No!" he mumbled. "Stop!" he said more clearly. "Please, don't do this! Stop!" he continued to yell and push me away.

"Shhh. Zayn, wake up. It's only me. Wake up. You're okay." I kept repeating until he sat up and gasped for air. I rubbed his back and continued to tell him that it was alright, I was with him and he was only having a bad dream. He wrapped his arms around me and cried.

"Don't let him take me again. Please, Harry. I need you." he whimpered. I loved the way that sounded from him, even though he was upset and crying. I held onto him as tight as I could. I never wanted to let go. Ever. In no time, the raven haired boy was snoring lightly in my arms. I should start thinking of ways to hurt Liam and Spot. They're crazy if they think they won't pay for what they did.

My brother called me from Jail. Told me he needed £100,000 to get out of jail, but I didn't have the money. So, he gets to sit in jail for 15 years. I'm just glad Niall got us out of there before the police got there.

When my mum found out Spot got arrested again, she just sighed. She was use to him always in trouble.

When she found out about BN40 she freaked out. She yelled at him and tried to ground him but he only snuck out of his window with my help of course. I'd distract mum with boring stories about what happened in school and homework. She thought I was a perfect child, until she learned I joined BN40 myself.

She kicked both of us out and we had to move in with my dad and his drug addict girlfriend. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They were never home, so we got to do anything we wanted. Spot would go sleep at a friend's house or something for about four days in a row and they wouldn't notice.

Now, I wonder who would have called the cops. When I find out who it was I'm going to make them pay. Pay for putting my brother back in jail. And pay for letting Zayn escape.

You will PAY if you don't vote for this chapter. No, I'm kidding, but please do vote, and comment and follow me! I love you all. I'm sorry that my writing completely sucks. I love you. I love you. I love you. BTW THANK YOU FOR OVER 10K READS!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE INCREDIBLE.

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