Wolf Urges

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I woke to a loud yawn by my side. "Uggghhhh," I groaned, before squinting up at Indie, who sat up, stretching. "Why must you get up so early?"

She shrugged, nonchalantly saying, "Gotta make a good impression."

"On who?" I ask as she stands to get dressed. "We're in the middle of the woods with no one around us for miles."

"Sometimes, I like to impress myself, okay?" She slipped on her shirt with her back towards me and shook out her long, brown hair.

Enjoying the view, soldier?

Potens, why you gotta be like that?

Maybe because you say things without using proper diction or verb forms?

Shut up.

Give him a break, bro. Don't pretend like your instincts aren't jumping to grab her and-

I think that's enough instinct talk, Ami.

Come on, I feel it too you know. The want, the need to just reach out and grab her hand, or maybe her hair, feel your way down her body, just memorize all of her lines and curves-


Feel her shiver under your touch... Learning as you go each of her likes and dislikes and kinks and fetishes... Hear her moan your name...


I could feel Potens coming closer and closer to the surface, wanting so badly to just reach out and kiss her with everything we had. And I really wanted to let him do it.

I scrambled out of bed and threw on my shirt and shorts. Indie smirked with furrowed eyebrows. "What's up with you?"

"It's, uh, my turn to get the food."

"Or we could have the left over turkey from last night before it spoils," she said slowly. She rolled her eyes and turned toward the fire, looking back at me over her shoulder. "Really, I know you're a bit slow in the mornings, but this is the way we've been doing things for the past, you know, three years."

"Right, of course," I said nodding. Noticing the wood pile, I quickly said, "How about I go gather some more wood?"

"Nah, we've got enough to last us until we move." She turned back to me after stirring up the fire. "You could've just stayed in bed and I wouldn't have been able to argue you up. But, as you have already gotten up by some strange trick of the morning, you can make breakfast and I'll go for my run."

"What happened to nighttime runs? I thought you hated morning runs," I noted warily.

"Like I said," she started with a shrug and a smirk, "sometimes I like to impress myself."

And then she turned and jogged from the cave, throwing her shirt back as she went.

Ok, you can't tell me that wasn't the hottest thing you've ever seen.

"Uh-huh," I said numbly. I stepped forward and grabbed her shirt, folding it before throwing it back by her bag. I started methodically preparing the turkey, having done so so many times before that my hands worked on their own.

Look, not to downgrade your guys's manliness or anything, but if you don't grow a pair and kiss her soon, I will, because hot damn.

I'm trying to work up to it, Ami. If possible, I'd rather her actually make the first move, just so that I know I'm not doing anything out of her comfort zone. I mean, what if she just thinks of us as a friend, and doesn't want to take things farther?

Okay, I see what you're getting at, but you're forgetting one thing.


SHE'S A WOLF-BLOOD. Do you really think she's immune to all of the physical urges that we're feeling?


No she is fucking not, I'll tell you that. Who is she trying to impress? With just you around for miles, who do you think it is? It's not herself, I'll tell you that much.

But why would she want to impress us?

Oh Goddess, he's a thick one.

Dude. Think about it. What do you do when you like someone?

I don't know, the only person I've ever really liked was Indie. I mean, I guess I try to do things for her, make her life a little bit easier. I try to give her things without seeming too weird about it-

In short- You try to impress her.

Well- yeah.

And who's Indie trying to impress?

I nearly dropped the pan with our cooked breakfast on it when it finally dawned on me. Wow, I am an idiot.

I neatly distributed the food onto our two plates, smiling all the while. She liked me. She really, really liked me. I was so happy I could sing (which he thankfully didn't do as it would've deafened any nearby wildlife). I made myself a promise, then and there, that the next time an opportunity came about to make a move, I would take it.

But first I had to finish breakfast.

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