Hey thar

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Sorry, just an Author's Note. I have been super stressed lately with school work, the school musical (Bye Bye Birdie if you younglings were curious), as well as the science competition I am in (Science Olympiad).

(Also, side note, if anyone from Hamilton school in Wisconsin is reading, I don't appreciate you taking first in every event mkay? Our team sucks but we still beat you last year and we will do it again. You have been warned.)

So basically, what I'm saying is that I probably won't be updating this anytime soon, so as of now it is on hiatus. Once I finish the next part and upload it, I'll delete this thing that I am writing right now as it will have no future prevalence in the story.

So that's that. But hey, if you guys want to leave a comment saying your aunt's mother's dog's name or something then feel free. I'll leave some little interview questions below and I may or may not work them into the story *wink wink nudge nudge*.

But for now I'll bid you good bye.


<3 Inchworm

Q1 - What's your favorite musical?

Q2 - Do you have magical powers? What are they?

Q3 - If you had a choice between saving the world or eating like a REALLY good plate of spaghetti, what would you choose?

Q4 - How do fish breathe?

Q5 - Why don't eggs evaporate?

Q6 - Why won't Shawn Mendes return my calls?

Q7 - What's your favorite color?

Q8 - How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Q9 - Explain the Theory of Relativity in ten words or less.

Q10 - Who of you read and answered all of these questions?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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