New Years Eve/New Years Day

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New Years Eve

Alison and Emily were out of luck. Getting back to LA in time for midnight might not be possible. Philadelphia was expecting 18 to 24 inches show on top of the 6 inches that already fell last night. It would be one of the worst show storms on the east coast. Several other airports on the east coast have already shut down. This meant no Planes would be landing or departing for the day. Philadelphia was the next one but unfortunately Alison and Emily were already at the airport so they would be stuck inside. Emily's dad was also stuck at the airport but with a Army plane he would be able to leave before the girls could.

Alison was taking selfies and updating all her social media.

"I would save your cell phone battery in cause there is an emergency Ali." Emily said

"I have to find some way to pass the time." Alison said

"We can walk around the airport and go on those flat escalator things." Emily said

Em got a text from her dad.

"Meet me by gate C - 29 for Lunch. There are a few restaurant choices over here - Dad"

Em texted back

"Can Ali join us - Em"

Her dad had responded with a yes.

"Ali my dad wants the three of us to eat lunch together." Emily said

Ali and Em joined Mr Fields for lunch. They probably would be joining him later for dinner as well.

Meanwhile back in LA everyone had heard about the east coast snow storm.

"Remember what snow ball fights used to be like?" Aria asked

"If only we could have snow in this part of California." Hanna said

"We can if we rent a snow machine." Spencer said

Ezra, Caleb, and Toby went out and an hour later they were back with a snow machine. The next hour passed and the entire outside yard was covered with fake snow. The girls had fun while the boys watched. They eventually joined in on the fun. Playing in fake snow in LA lasted for several hours until everyone was tired and they went back inside to watch a movie.

For Alison and Emily the hours were passing slower then they hoped for. They ate dinner with Emily's dad. He would be leaving just after midnight because he flew on a private army jet with only about 100 people one board. Alison and Emily found out their flight would be boarding around 6 am so they had 12 hours left to wait.

Emily and her dad had a midnight hug and goodbye. Ali and her got a few hours asleep between the time Emily's dad left and the time their flight back to LA was boarding.

New Years Day

The group in LA woke up to some sad news. All of them were in the living room watching the TV news.

"Emily is going to be so devastated." Toby said

"My older brother was in the military and when he didn't come home it was horrible." Caleb said

"We don't know for sure that Emily's father was on the plane.

"Yes we do it's the same flight number that Emily texted me." Kayla said

Aria, Ezra, Spencer, Toby, Hanna, Caleb, Kayla, and Jason took 2 cars to Pasadena for the parade and then the Rose Bowl football game after that. Alison and Emily would be joining them at the games as soon as they could

A few hours later Emily still had no idea what had happened and neither did Alison. They landed at LAX at 9 am. The parade had already stated but they should make it in Pasadena in time for the football game which started later that morning.

"Text Jason and tell him we will be there in about one hour." Emily said

Emily and Alison got to the game just in time for the start. Not that Ali really cared about football that much but she was going because everyone else wanted to go. It was Michigan state and Stanford. Michigan start won against another top rated team Ohio State earlier in the season so Michigan state was the favorites to win.

Jason meet Ali and Emily at the entrance gates so he could give them there tickets. He could tell that since Emily looked all happy she didn't know about her dad yet. The group in LA had decided that it would be better to wait until after the game to tell Emily the bad news. Michigan state won the game and everyone was headed out to dinner and then home.

Once everyone got home it was time for Emily to find out the news.

"Emily there is something we have to tell you and you may want to sit down." Jason said

"What's going on is someone pregnant?" Emily asked

"No Em, it's a lot worse then that. Everyone knows but you and Alison." Jason said

"Tell us what is happening." Alison said

"In the middle of the night last night a private army plane crashed. Your dad was on it and at this time it is unknown if there are any survivors." Jason said

Emily broke down crying. Alison also cried and so was everyone else but at the same time they were trying to comfort Emily.

One week later everyone was now back in Rosewood for Mr. Fields funeral. It was sad for everyone but Emily was having the hardest time. For the last week she was crying almost all the time and there wasn't much anyone could do. Emily would never forget the New Years Eve midnight hug she had with her dad at the Philadelphia airport because that will now be the last hug she ever gets from him.

The day after everyone except Emily was flying back to LA. Emily was staying in Rosewood for a few weeks to be with her family. She would miss the start of second semester at UCLA but right now she needed to be with her family. Emily knew from now on her life would be different without her dad.

Thoughts on this chapter?

Next chapter will January and may include Ezria going camping at Yosemite National Park.

What do you think will happen next?

Any ideas?

Spencer and Jason will have more scenes in the future. What other characters should have scenes together?

Who should be involved in a love triangle? I already have two possible love triangles. Jason, Hanna, Caleb (Will end with Haleb) and Wren, Spencer, Toby (Will end with Spoby). The Love Triangles are only for the drama.

Thank You for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to Vote and Comment.

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