Getting Back Together?

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A/N: For this story I'm currently in the year 2017      

*Friday November 17th*

Jason's POV

Kayla and I had been broken up for one month less then a year now. Living with Kayla as friends in the 3 bedroom apartment has been going well. Kayla and I each had our own bedroom so it we didn't have to worry about sharing a bedroom and only being friends. Abby turns 2 years old tomorrow. I'm hopeful that Kayla and I can get back together sometime in the near future. I'm asking Kayla on a date tonight.

"Kayla, I was thinking we could go out tonight?" I said

"Go out like a date?" Kayla asked

"Yes, I was thinking about us and I was wondering if we could possibly get back together?" I asked

"Jason, remember you cheated on me with Hanna. It's going to take a lot more then one date before we maybe get back together." Kayla said

"I never should have cheated on you in the first place." I said

"You made it worse by not letting me find out that you cheated until after we broke up." Kayla said

"I admit that I should have told you Kayla before breaking up with you." I said

"Jason, If you had told me first then I probably would have been the one to break up with you." Kayla said

"Lets not worry about something that happened almost 1 year ago and just go from this moment forward." I said

"If we do go on a date tonight who's babysitting Abby or are we taking her with us?" Kayla asked

"Alison and Emily are picking up Abby at 4 pm. Then once we are both dressed and ready we will go out. My sister wants to spend more Aunt/Niece bonding with Abby. I thought this was the perfect way plus Abby's spending the night with my sister and Emily." I said

"Are we going somewhere fancy because if so I don't have anything to wear?" Kayla asked

"I haven't really planned the date out because I was going to let you pick the restaurant. I did go to the mall recently with Alison and she helped me pick out a dress for you." I said

"I would love to go on the date with you but does Abby have to sleepover at Alison and Emilys?" Kayla asked

"I don't see what the big deal is with Abby sleeping over at Alison and Emilys. It's not like her birthday is today." I said

"I know but her birthday is tomorrow and I really wanted to be the first one that wishes Abby a happy birthday." Kayla said

"Abby's still going to love you the same no matter if you are the first person or last person to wish her a happy birthday." I said

"Jason if you really want to go on this date tonight then we can go." Kayla said

"So is that a yes." I said

"Yes." Kayla said

Kayla went out to lunch with some of her school friends. Almost as soon as Kayla got back I got a call from Aria asking me to help her give Gabby a bath. I told Kayla I didn't know how long this was going to take but I would be back in time for our date.

"Sorry for asking you to come over last minute but this is kind of an emergency." Aria said 

"I'm glad that I can help you Aria." I said

"I really appreciate it Jason. I can't give Gabby a bath myself because I still have the cast on my right arm." Aria said

"Does Ezra know that Gabby got skunked in the park?" I asked

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