How are things

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Hanna's POV

*Monday May 2nd*

I was on my way to LAX. Jason was driving my car because It was an early morning flight and I was half asleep. Jason was going with me back to Rosewood to see Spencer. We arrived at 6 am to LAX almost 2 hours before departure time. By the time we got through the long lines at the check in desk and security we had less then an hour to wait until the plane boarded. 

"Why is the airport this busy?" I asked

"May is the start of summer travel season." Jason said

"True, plus UCLA finished there semester last week and so did USC meaning everybody who doesn't live in LA is on their way home for the summer." I said

"How mad do you think Caleb is because I'm going with you to Rosewood and not him?" Jason said

"Caleb will be over it by the time we are back in LA." I said

"Really because I don't think he appreciated that I slept over at the house last night." Jason said

"You were in Kayla's old bedroom last night so Caleb had no reason to have an issue with that." I said

"If Caleb didn't have an issue then why did he not even say one word to me before we left the house but he gave you the longest kiss I have ever seen?" Jason asked

"Caleb still thinks you are in love with me." I said

"I'm over that Hanna and besides I have Kayla now." Jason said

"Are you and Kayla actually dating because last time I asked you didn't seem to know for sure?" I asked

"We kiss and make out but we haven't been on an actual date. With Abby only being 6 months old it's a little hard for Kayla and to have date nights." Jason said

"I can babysit Abby." I said

"Aria has babysat Abby a few times. Just last week I had to work and Kayla had a doctors appointment." Jason said

"Aria is close to having her own baby meaning you will need a new baby sitter soon." I said

"I never said you couldn't babysit Abby. All I said was that Aria is happy to babysit her for now." Jason said

It was time for Jason and I to board the airplane. I had the window seat and Jason had the aisle seat. The airplane took off at 8 am. It was a 5 hour flight from LAX to Philadelphia international airport. We landed in Philly around 4 pm. It was still only 1 pm in LA but it was 4 pm on the east coast united states. 

Jason and I got some food and then went down to the baggage pickup area. We got our suitcases and then went to the rent a car place so Jason could get a rental car for the week. We drove to Rosewood. There was traffic so it was almost 6 before we pulled up at the Hastings house. I had already told Spencer mom that I would be visiting for a week.

"Han, what are you doing here?" Spencer asked

"Your parents didn't tell you that Jason and I are visiting Rosewood for a week?" I asked

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