❄"Prince Jackson of the Overlands."❄

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Chapter Twenty Two

Elsa took a deep breath as she stared into her reflection at the mirror before her. Her hair was tied up into an elegant bun, leaving a few strands of her platinum blonde hair to fall at the sides of her cheeks. Fresh flowers were also decorated at her hair in a cross design and a beautiful little rose placed at her ear to complete the look.

"This is it. I'm finally doing this," she muttered to herself as a small smile made its way to her red lips. She stood up from her seat and walked towards her door, her green dress flowing with flowers along with her transparent cape following it. Elsa had thought to dress up for the meeting and decided that it was time to fix herself. It's been days since the Jack incident and it was time for a change. Today was also the day of the meeting with dukes and duchesses again and she wanted to look presentable to her guests.

She opened the door and stepped outside. Elsa felt like it's been a long time since she had stepped out of her room. After days of isolating herself, she felt as if a part of her was dead and that she relapsed back to her old self. But not today, no, certainly not. For today was a new beginning of her life, a new chapter, a new once upon a time. Today, she would smile, she would show them the queen she was, she would laugh and forget about Jack Frost. Because today was a good day.

"Your majesty, the dukes and duchesses are waiting for you downstairs," one of the servants said to her and bowed in respect. He then gestured for her to the stairs below. Elsa nodded her head at him and walked down the steps, careful not to walk on her dress. She then walked towards the supposed dining hall and she felt her heart thump against her chest.

Everything felt so nostalgic. Elsa felt as if she had walked into the castle for the first time. Where was Anna? She looked around for any sign of the strawberry blonde girl but failed. She missed her sister terribly and felt guilty for what she did to her. She felt bad for shutting out her sister once again and wanted to make up for the loss of contact. Maybe she was with Kristoff at the moment, or maybe out with Rapunzel? Who knows? Those two never seemed to be put in one place.

"Good morning, your majesty. We have been waiting for you," she heard one of the dukes said and she turned her head towards them, shaking her thoughts away. She smiled at them and took a seat, placing her palms on the table. "It's good to see you out of that room of yours."

"Yes indeed. It must've been awful hiding in that room for days. I am rather curious to know why you've been hiding," Duchess Isabella remarked and crossed her arms, raising her brow in the process. Elsa fought the urge to roll her eyes at the duchess' words. Elsa was almost done with the way she was acting whenever she was around. She thought her actions were most disrespectful and she wondered why she had become a duchess with that attitude of hers.

"I prefer to keep the reason to myself, it is very personal so please respect my privacy," she reasoned out and cleared her throat. She didn't want them to know about the man who broke her heart. She certainly didn't want them to know. And besides, if she ever did tell them about him, they'd think she was crazy since none of these people believe in someone like him. Or so she thought. Maybe there was someone who believed in him among these people.

"We respect your decision your grace. Shall we get on with the meeting then?" Duke Victor said and stood up from his seat. He turned towards Elsa with a smile and gestured for her to start.

"Right. The meeting shall begin now. Let us discuss about the matter at hand, Duke Victor, if you please." Elsa said and looked away from the table, feeling her stomach churn. She knew what was going to happen today. She had thought about it for the past few days and this was also the reason why she didn't want to come out from her room and confront them. She didn't want to face the dukes at her state before because if she did then she might've said something rude and uncalled for.

"You look lovely today, Queen Elsa. And now for the meeting, let us discuss about the perfect groom for the queen. Duchess Isabella, and I, have discussed about this and came to a conclusion. We have found a perfect suitor for the queen. The only problem is that if the queen here agrees with our terms," he finished with a smug smile on his face. He looked at Elsa with eyes that screamed mischief and business, and it made Elsa swallowed the lump on her throat.

"What is the meaning of this, Duke Victor? Duchess Isabella?" she asked with her mouth in a grim line. She wanted answers now and she didn't like unnecessary surprises at the moment. She wanted to know what they were planning, especially if it involved her life and especially her marriage life. Whatever they were planning, Elsa didn't like it one bit, now that it involved someone else. Someone she didn't know and possibly her future husband.

"Well, we have talked about this problem while you were gone in your room for the past few days. And after a while, we have finally come to a solution, and it was perfect. This will certainly help with the kingdom of Arendelle and its needs. If you just trust us and let this problem be solved," he replied and crossed his arms.

"What is your plan? I demand to know what it is before I agree," she said and darted her eyes from Duke Victor to Duchess Isabella. She bit her lower lip, her palms sweating and desperate to know what it was. She wanted to know what they were up to.

This time, it was Duchess Isabella who stood up from her seat, and looked at Elsa straight in the eyes. "We have invited someone over. Is it alright if we let him in now? Since it is the right time to introduce him to everyone here. Is that alright, Queen Elsa?" she asked her without ever taking her eyes off her, which made Elsa's stomach churn. She nodded her head as a reply and gestured for her to continue.

Duchess Isabella smiled and turned towards the door, "You can come in now."

The doors creaked to reveal a handsome young man with chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair. He had on a beautiful smile plastered on his face. He walked towards the dining table with grace and stared at Elsa with familiarization held in his eyes and something that Elsa couldn't explain what. Nevertheless, the man looked familiar to her.

"Everyone, meet Prince Jackson of the Overlands," Duchess Isabella proclaimed as everyone nodded their heads at the young man. Prince Jackson only stared at Elsa with longing filled in his eyes as she stared wide-eyed at the man before her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She couldn't believe that for the fact that this man reminded her of the man that broke her heart.

Prince Jackson walked towards Elsa with slow steps and took her hand, kissing it and said, "It is a pleasure meeting you Queen Elsa. I hope you find my presence suitable to your liking," he gave her a toothy smile before letting go of her hand.

Elsa felt tears build up on her blue eyes as she let out a chuckle. Hot tears slowly ascend down her face as she continued to laugh her heart out. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. She couldn't believe that the person she was going to marry was the exact replica of the man that she loved.

Everyone stared at the queen, baffled and worried about her reaction. They were wondering what was going on with the queen. Perhaps there was something wrong with her? Whatever it was, it made them worry that something might've happened to her.

"Queen Elsa, are you alright?" Duchess Isabella asked. Elsa nodded and wiped her tears away using the back of her hand and gave a small smile. She turned to Prince Jackson who was still staring at her and gave him a warm smile.

"Yeah, I'm alright."


Idk why but this chapter gave my heart a little squeeze and it hurts ;___; This chapter hurt my poor little heart and I'm not happy with it. nope not at all

Thanks for reading and I think there are at least two or one chapter left before this story is finished and I can't believe it! this story has gone through a lot and I can't thank you guys enough for reading it! THANKS FOR 25K READS HOLY COOOOWWW


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