❅ "Thanks for the memories." ❅

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❅Chapter Eleven ❅

Jack let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his silver hair. "Please, stay." He heard her whisper and he fought the urge to slap her hand away from his jacket, right there and now. Jack clenched his fists tight and turned around to face her, making his jacket twist. Rapunzel immediately removed her hand from the hem of his jacket and looked at him. 

"Give me a reason, why I should stay." He stated as he crossed his arms at her. 

Rapunzel took a deep breath, gathering all his courage and let out a sigh, "Because I missed you and we need to talk."

He scoffed, "You? Missed me?" Jack let out a bitter chuckle and looked away from her. "I'm not going to believe your lies anymore, blondie. Remember what happened the last time I believed you?" He continued with furrowed eyebrows and a grim line on his mouth. 

"I know! And I'm sorry, okay? I was so confused back then, and I didn't know what to do." She replied and scrunched her eyebrows. "Please, believe me."

"I'm fed up with your lies, Rapunzel! I loved you and I gave you everything you wanted! And what did you gave me back? Oh, that's right. Lies!" He yelled, anger coursing through his veins. He knew he should've just left, because talking to Rapunzel will only lead them talking about their past, and Jack didn't want that. 

Rapunzel, however, was slowly giving up on him and replied, "That's not true. I loved you too, Jack."

Jack clenched his jaws as he took a step forward to her. "No, you didn't. You were too busy cheating on me, with that Flynn guy." He spat, with venom laced in his voice. Rapunzel looked taken aback as her face fell at his words. She looked down at the ground, with guilt shown on her green eyes, refused to see Jack. He let out a bitter chuckle and said, "See? I knew it. You were too busy being such a whore, that you didn't notice that you already have a boyfriend!"

"But that doesn't mean that I didn't love you!" She yelled back, with angry tears falling out from her glistening eyes. 

"Shut up!" He screamed at her as he fought the urge to slap her. Jack furrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes at her, "Just stop." He whispered and turned around, facing his back on her. 

"Why won't you believe me?" He heard her whisper as his face soften, and let out a frustrated sigh. 

"Just forget it, Rapunzel. It's not going to change anything, anyway. You're already married to him now, and there's nothing that I can do to change that." He replied.

Rapunzel didn't reply and instead she wrapped her arms around Jack's waist, burying her face on his back. "I'm so sorry." She whispered. Jack flinched at her actions and furrowed his eyebrows. 

He put his hand over hers and removed it from his waist, "No, you're not. Just forget about it. And besides," He said and turned around to face her. "You love Flynn, not me." Jack continued and blinked at her.

She nodded and swallowed the lump on her throat. Jack was about to fly off into the night sky, but before he could, he turned around once more and said, "Thanks for the memories."


Elsa let out a groan as she tugged her fingers on her platinum blonde hair, in frustration. "Stop it, Elsa!" She muttered under her breath and slid down on the floor, with her fingers still tugging on her hair. 

"I have got to stop thinking about that guy." She said and removed her fingers from her hair with a sigh. Elsa furrowed her eyebrows as she fiddled with her fingers, and snow was starting to fall inside her bedroom. She looked up at the ceiling and pursed her lips, looking back down at her fingers. "Stop it."

Icy Desires ❅ Jack Frost||ElsaWhere stories live. Discover now