Therapy Sessions and Handshakes

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I walk into period six hoping that Mr. Odin won't try to tell us how important history is in this world and go on about how we need it to survive. Once the bell rings all the crazy people we call high schoolers sit in their seats and waits for our teacher to start enthusing on about his career.

" History class should be the most important thing to-"

Then the speaker goes off interrupting Mr. Odin's speech, I stand up knowing the drill on how this goes.

" Jordan Robinson up to the deans office please. "

As I start to walk out of class I start to ponder on how I really wanted to hear that speech.

I walk down the damp hallways of this hell they call school, seeing how the white cement walls turn yellow and the green writing starts to transform into a poop stained brown. I attempt to open the door with one hand but after two attempts I realize that it's locked so I go to the main office. Once I reach the front desk one of the ladies tell me that the principle wants to see me. All I could say in response was,

" Shit! "

Once I get into the principles office I sit in a puke colored chair which makes my butt feel like it's being punched. After I finally settle in I look up at the principle and all he does is hand me the slip, the blue slip, the slip that means the end of my days here. I stand up silently knowing what this means, after I step out of the office the bell rings and students start rushing out of the class rooms but everyone stops and silence falls over the small amount of students at "Mellow Drama High".

The first student comes and shakes my hand, then the next and the next. I think I shook almost one hundred hands that day. It's a tradition her at Summerson Academy (Mellow Drama High), where when one of the students get expelled, it only happens once every two years except this time.

I walk out the front doors of the high school looking at my mom, she's wearing scrubs with tiny little diverse children on them, with black and white Jordan's. She probably just got off of work. I get into the car slowly waiting for any response to this incident but I get nothing but silence. So I shrug my shoulders and put on my seatbelt. My mom starts the engine and starts to drive. After a while I get bored and start to imagine my mom as a dinosaur. I can see the fangs hanging out her mouth sharp and pointed, I start to see her nails grow into sharp razors, and then her dark chocolate skin turn green and scaly. I see my mom tick, twitch, then roar, thinking that it was just my imagination I didn't think anything about it until she finally spoke.

" You fucking idiot, how do you get expelled, your so like your father a depressing, annoying idiot who can't think straight. How the hell did I raise this, how did you turn out to be so idiotic. You ugly fag!"

I immediately broke down into little shattered pieces because that's when I looked around and I was in the belly of the monster, the dinosaur had swallowed me whole.

The dinosaur wouldn't stop apologize when we got home but I just ignored her and went to the kitchen to grab a box of cheese-itz. Once I grab the box I go to the fridge to grab some orange soda but a note instead.

To: Jordan
Sorry buddy drunk all the soda I'll bring you some when I get home.

P.S. Your mom will be at work ;)

I crumble up the piece of paper and throw it into the trash being disgusted by this raping pig. I walk up stairs to my room and turn on the tv. I eat my cheeze-it's till the memories start to flood back. Then I hear the door open, and I know it's him. I run and hide in the closet. I hear footsteps a approach the door and then my closet door swings open, and there he stands right in front of me.

" Your gonna need some therapy after this one son. "

I stand in the shower razor in my hand and blood trickling down my wrist. I realize I don't wanna die I'm just crying out for help but no one sees. I turn off the water and grab my towel and start drying myself off.

" Ready for another round ? "

I run to the door and lock it making sure he doesn't come in. I turn my back to the door and start to sink to the floor, crying from the pain in between my legs. All I could do was sit there and think, why can't anyone ever hear me scream.

" Why Jordan, why did you do it ? "

I start to tell her then realize that she can't go through another divorce not again, ever actually so I just answer with,

" I need Therapy "

My mom has a sudden gush of thought and runs over to me grabs my wrist and starts to count. I covered the new ones with make-up so it'll be unlikely if she finds them. I say the phrase once more hoping for a real response this time.

" I need Therapy "

She starts to think this over for a moment while just staring into my eyes. That's when I found out that the dinosaur might have feelings, just maybe.

" No your fine you don't need therapy your okay, you always have been and always will be. "

That's when I gave up on the dinosaur.

I sit on the therapist couch from the movies waiting for one of us to speak.

Therapist man: " How are you, "
Me: " Alive "
Therapist man: " No I mean how are you. "
I stand up going to walk out the door but he grabs my arm and tells me to stop. I scream and collapse to the floor, thinking he was gonna hurt me. After about ten minutes of sitting on the floor I say,

" Needing a regular handshake. "

I stand up slowly feeling off balanced from being on the floor for so long. I don't sit scared of staying scared of him hurting me. Therapist man starts to write in his notebook, I start to get nervous wondering what he's writing. I snatch his notebook and start to read

Noticed wrist needs mental attention
Call the authorities!!!

Me: " What are you talking about, it was just a few little slip ups, it doesn't matter, it shouldn't count "

Therapist Man: " It's an attempt of suicide and you should know, suicide is illegal. "

I run out the room scared out of mine and not of the authorities but scared of what the dinosaur is gonna say.

I call the dinosaur realizing I need a ride home. First ring, second ring, third ring and she declines my call. I go over my options, I have no friends, grandparents are dead, not the rapist...

I finally think of the perfect person and call them.

" Hello? "

Me: " Hey sister from another mister, "

Sister: " Hey Jordan what you calling for? "

Me: " Just wondering if I can get a ride home, "

Sister: " Jordan I moved to New York two months ago. "

I hang up immediately calling myself an idiot.

I start to walk home. After about half an hour of walking I see how big of a city San Francisco is. Then I hear a car pull up behind me. I turn my head and see a rapist behind me.

" Fuck! "

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. This chapter is kinda short but the next chapter will be longer and you'll visit Jordan's new home, hope you enjoy!!!

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