Trip Backward

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He'd forgotten that he had the ability to feel this much desire. As his insides hurled his hand moved toward the back of her head in order to better clasp her in his hold. It shocked him to no end that he could kiss her like this; that Namjoo would let him do it. Everything about that particular moment was perfect to no end.

The second when her delicate hands clasped onto his chest he took a breath and inched back to look at her in curiosity. Actually, he thought she looked more breathtaking than what he wanted to read from her face. When no touch came within the next split moment her eyes began to open, but he quickly leaned forward to savor her lips again, nibbling and tasting.

"We should," Namjoo eased back, her hand climbing further up to hold his shoulder, "really go get Ki Hoon's clothes."

Reluctantly digging his fingers into her hair and giving her a last peck; said, "Ok."


Back in school days Sehun had been tutored so hard until he was eligible to enroll into Seoul University. He met Namjoo there. Unlike him, she'd worked her way in all by herself with the support of her only parent. He'd met her in his basic education math class, recognizing her from tables away in the large library when he'd been trying to study one day.

He struggled with particular basic subjects like Science, Math, and Korean. He just...wasn't very interested in anything. There was no motivation, no drive, and he harbored no hope for anything. Sehun didn't know what passion was, he'd never felt it. Nothing of his liking ever tempted him to go beyond his limit. He'd lived a soulless life.

Namjoo was one of the smarties who always sat at the front of class. He'd noticed her a few times from where he sat at the back, so he recognized her right away in the library. She was one of those know-it-alls who would help him if he asked, and she did. When she looked up after he set his books down she shot him that smile that later became his and only his before returning to her work.

"Ex...excuse me," had been the first words he'd spoken to her, "do you mind helping me? We're from the same class."

So she invited him to sit next to her; giving him a free lesson and he was attracted right away. The way she talked and the way she wrote simple notes and examples down for him made everything much easier to understand. Namjoo was a smart girl.

During their next class meeting he took to the seat beside her at the front. When she turned to look at him she shot him another smile friendlily before turning away and he felt his heart race calmly, enjoying the presence of her. The boy who usually sat next to her stared at him surprised when he walked into class and resorted to another seat. Somewhere inside, Sehun felt a satisfaction of having driven him off.

Right after class he had followed her out calling her by the name he'd seen her write down on her homework. To his expectation Namjoo turned around at her name and he hurried to catch up. Without hesitation, Sehun offered her lunch. He didn't know shyness, but he'd been reluctant in talking to other people and expressing himself. But Namjoo dispelled that somehow. Something about her made her feel open and made it easy to speak his mind.

Namjoo; however, rejected his offer and resumed to walking away. She didn't appear during the next class meeting and he ended up looking at the door in her wait. When she appeared at the next class meeting he slid his notebook toward her explaining that it was the notes from the day she'd missed. Namjoo finally sat with him outside to copy the notes down after class and Sehun finally succeeded in buying her lunch that day.

She told him her father had been sick so she'd taken to taking care of him instead of coming to class. It was then that he got a taste of life outside of his comfortable home. Namjoo's house was small with less of a kitchen and two rooms. Without knowing anything about him she let him in, checked on her sleeping father, and even cooked something for him.

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