Meet & Greet

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Believing that Ki Hoon would be asleep for another half hour, Namjoo led Hayoung down an alley between the houses nearby. Chipped pieces of the buildings lay on the ground in rumbles and Namjoo had to step over them carefully in order not to trip or fall forward. At the end of the passageway was a thicket of trees on the top of a hill deeply curving downward. So far as Namjoo knew, no one had tried going down the steep hill where branches and other rocks were set as spikes.

Right at the peak of the curve some students had dug and built a few intelligent stairways where they could sit and smoke secretly. Namjoo had heard the report about it after the cops busted them. This was where she plopped down quietly and waited for Hayoung to do the same.

Wild grass and strange plants she'd never seen before busied themselves around the trees, covering the area in a typical green. Namjoo twisted her wrist over to glance at the time.

"I have some things to get to," Namjoo explained, "I can only give you ten minutes."

Without saying anything Hayoung took to the empty spot beside her and dug inside her bag. A juice box was offered to her a second later.

"I often carry it around as a treat," she told, "would you like one?"

Namjoo shook her head. Firmly pressing her lips together Hayoung stuck it back into her bag and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"My name's Hayoung," she introduced herself, "you're Namjoo, right?"

There was a slight pause. Namjoo felt her jaws tense up.

"Sehun," she started then stopped herself in case she might say something unnecessary, "he told me about you. He didn't say a lot, but he always said good things about you. And I don't think I got to know the real Sehun until you came along."

Namjoo wanted to say something spiteful; wondering if she was reminiscing in front of her on purpose. If this was to make her feel guilty, Namjoo wanted to tell her not to worry. She would have nothing to do with Sehun. Whatever it took; she'd find some way to disappear.

"Sehun has never been happy. He doesn't have anyone to talk to and there's no one to understand him. His mother is a businesswoman who doesn't know anything about childrearing. Her specialties lay in trade and meeting rooms. She's not there to comfort him like you are for Ki Hoon. Sehun is a lonely person. He doesn't know anyone, but the few he's let into his world. I think you're the only one who's been there."

"Namjoo, I want to take you somewhere."

They were sitting in her small home with their homework spread across a table. As usual they were supposed to be studying, but Sehun was only talking.

"Where?" Namjoo turned around with the eraser of his pencil tucked against her teeth.

Sehun let out a shout before snatching the pencil, "Don't eat my pencil!"

Ignoring his complaint she shifted around hooking her arms around his neck.

"So, where are we going?" She smiled into his ear.

"You'll come with me then, right?"

Namjoo raised her brow, smirking mischievously.

"You little," placing a hand at the back of her head he held her for a long kiss. In both their hearts they knew they'd go to wherever it was he wanted to take her. She didn't need to confirm her answer and Sehun didn't need to hear it. They felt it in both their hearts with the trust they shared.

She never found out exactly where it was he'd wanted to take her. She never met up with him that day because her father was admitted to the hospital. The memory triggered a burn in her heart and Namjoo barely laughed underneath her breath when the hot tears scourged her eyes.

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