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Akemi : Dad how is Mom?
Kogoro : ???? She already went out of the hospital ages ago.
Akemi : No, I mean how are you and mom?
Kogoro : "gulp" "cough" "cough"!!
Conan : H... Hey....

Kogoro took the pot that contained hot tea and drank it.
Kogoro : AAARGHHH!!!! HOT!!
Conan : 😅.......
Akemi : You okay?
Kogoro : Ehem...... That is out of the question. Now..... How about you and him?
Akemi : WHAT?!!
Conan : We're just childhood friends. No biggie....
Akemi : Yeah.....
Akemi thinking : So.... I'm just a friend....
Shinichi thinking : She agrees with me? "Sigh".....
Conan : We're going to head out to school soon.
Akemi : Yeah, dad don't drink too much.
Kogoro : Hmph.....

At school
Ayumi : Akemi chan..... Conan kun..... Sorry for what happened yesterday.....
Mitsuhiko : Yeah.... We...... Didn't mean it....
Akemi : .........
Conan : .........
Akemi : Oi Daiki!!!
Daiki : Huh?
Akemi : Here as promised! Your stupid little key chain! 
Daiki : ......... Haha...
Conan : Hmph...... Hahaha!
Akemi : Hahaha!!!

"Wow.... They're crazy little kids...."

Akemi : Cmon guys that was so yesterday. Let's go, class is going to start soon!
Ayumi : ......😦😐😆 RACE YA GUYS!!!
Akemi : "sigh" Huh?
Mitsuhiko : Hey there's a cat.
Akemi : ........ Ai chan loved cats......
Mitsuhiko : Yeah, but there are plenty of cats in America!
Akemi : ......... I wish..... She did..... Move to America.....
Mitsuhiko : What did you say?
Akemi : Huh? Oh... No never mind.
Cmon, let's go!
Mitsuhiko : Okay?

At November
Genta : It's already November! Which means it's almost Christmas!
Mitsuhiko : Genta kun, it's still one month...
Akemi : Actually do you want to start like a.... Sale for the Detective Boys Group?
Ayumi : What do you mean Akemi chan?
Akemi : Like we give a discount for the students who ask us to solve us cases? So it's like a holiday discount? Of course we will still get Yaiba cards and money but well a little discount might attract some students!
Mitsuhiko : Well it's not a bad idea! We are having problems with our customers.
Ayumi : Okay then! Let's ask the Professor to make us banners and...
Conan : I don't think we should do that now, Professor is busy.
Akemi : Then let's make banners on our own.
Genta : Good idea!
Akatsuki : Are you The Detective Boys?
Ayumi : Huh? Oh yes!
Mitsuhiko : Are you having any cases?! Or anything?!
Akatsuki : No.... I'm just here to talk about your detective group.....
Mitsuhiko : What is the problem??
Akatsuki : ....... It's lame....
Akemi : W... What?
Akatsuki : Well.... All you do is disturbing people, making them angry, finding trouble, and act like real Detectives even though your so lame!
Mitsuhiko : Quit it!
Akatsuki : You can't even come up with a right name. Detective BOYS?!! Please, there are GIRLS in it. You can't even do a single thing right.
Ayumi : ......
Akatsuki : And well Genta.... You call yourself a leader but you can only eat food and do nothing! I bet Conan is the one solving all of the problems...
Akatsuki : Well for Mitsuhiko.... He still has enough brains..... But he's lame and I don't see any muscles there.... Ayumi is just a cry baby and a scaredy cat.... No wonder....
Mitsuhiko : How dare you Akatsuki!!
Ayumi : I'm not a crybaby!!
Akatsuki : Whatever..... You should be thankful for my suggestions..... If it weren't for me... You would only be a total mess....
For Conan... Even though you're smart, but all you do is hang out with this whiny kids and also trouble a lot of people. Maybe the reason that Haibara girl left.... Was because of you guys.....
Akemi : "flinch"!!!!


All : !!!!!

Akemi was already grasping on Akatsuki's collar.
Akemi : You think you're a know it all but you're not! Don't just say things like that just to make you satisfied!
Akatsuki : L... Let go!
Akemi : You know what I like to do when facing the likes of you?! I would usually punch their faces and twist their arms and legs. If they're still hopeless like you....
Akatsuki : "shivers"......
Akemi : They would probably end up in the hospital in a comatose state or having real bad injuries.... I mean it.... Bad ones...
Akatsuki : Eeeek!!
Akemi : So you better shut your mouth or else you'll end up being one of the comatose guys.....
Akatsuki : M... MOMMY!!!
Ayumi : Akemi chan....
Genta : That was... Awesome....
Mitsuhiko : Since when did you learn self defense?!
Akemi : When I was a kid?
Conan : I have to admit.... That was a bit intense.....
Yakura : No... That was perfect...
Conan : Ei?
Yakura : Minamoto san... I need your help....
Mitsuhiko : OH!!! You're Hishimato Yakura from the other class!
Yakura : Yeah... You can call me Yaku for short.
Akemi : Why do you need my help, Hishimato kun?
Yakura : Just use Yaku.... And my cat was taken away by mean bullies. I want you to take them down.
Akemi : T... Take them down?!!
Yakura : Yes.... That cat was given from my deceased great grandma for my 5th birthday.... I don't want it to get hurt....
Akemi : Okay then Yaku! But who are the bullies?
Yakura : The Hell Trio people use to call them..... Matsuki, Hajira, and Shiiro. They're in 3rd grade.
Akemi : 3... 3rd?!
Yakura : If you're abled to get my cat back, I'll give you 1000 yen! Just please get it back!
Akemi : ...... Okay I'll try....
Yakura : Really?! Thank you!!! They'll be at the school grounds at 3pm today! Please do your best to get my cat back.
Ayumi : Can we tag along too?
Genta : Yeah! We can help Akemi chan!
Yakura : Of course! I'll be there too to see how it's going.
Akemi : Great!
Conan : Oh boy.....

Author : Well this is the first case using physical stuff. And the case of the Fire Dancer will start soon. BE PREPARED!!!! 🎶🎶🎶🎶
Sorry for the long update....

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