Off ill

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So this chapter is going to be short. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while but of course I'm ill and it's just the start of year 10 for us. I'm off I'll with flu already, I'm so clever like that, but whilst being ill I've had to amuse myself, and these are my tips for amusing yourself when your ill

1) sleep. Might seem boring but honestly when your parent in my case my dad comes in to wake you up to give you something or ask if you want food you have a free license to shout you're ill at them which in term makes them laugh making you laugh.

2) read a this i mean put the TV on and pretend it's helping your mental state and it makes you feel better, surprisingly I've been off since Wednesday and haven't watched any TV in the day. So ill.

3) text your friends in school, there's nothing better then teasing when your ill and guess what...they can't say anything back your ill😂😂

4) last of all, the old jelly and icecream trick, say you've got a really bad throat that only icecream will Soother and then slip in the jelly idea, because your ill they can't say no

Probably not the best chapter but it's just to say I'm coming back for updates! But I'm ill so you can't judge this one 😂😂😂 love you all

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