Chapter 1- The Invasion

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It was a normal day in Laus, with everyone doing their daily activities. Jack was currently at Hooters, eating wings with his adviser Jay, while flirting with the waitresses. After a few minutes, a large explosion shook the capital city of Laus. As Jack and Jay ran outside, they saw COD 10 year olds hardscoping the citizens. "COD fanboys? This can only be the work of....DONALD TRUMP! Jay, return to the castle, and summon my knights!"
"Yes, my lord!" He replied, heading back. Jack drew Rex Hasta, a Laus house treasure, and he began to fight the attackers. Luckily, he found Jordan and his border guard of MLG quickscopers defending the city gates, so Jack ran off to assist them. "How did those squeakers get in our city?" Jack yelled, deflecting the shot of a fanboy.
"They used hax m8." Jordan replied, 369 noscoping a scrub. They continued to hold off the attackers until Jordan got a 420 kill streak reward, which was a tactical nuke. "TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING!" As the nuke fell towards the 10 year olds, Jack and his soldiers looks away, because cool guys don't look at explosions.
{u fuckin hax000r cheeky scrub...} The nuke exploded while Snoop Dog laughed from the heavens.
"Let's head back home, and discuss our new strategy for defending against Drek..." Jack stated, bringing Jordan with him.
How will this war play out? Who will win? And will Jack ever be able to go to Hooters again? Stay tuned!

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