Characters- Laus

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This section will go over the story's main characters.
Jack(@that_jack_guy)- Marquess of Laus. Said to have been a descendant of John Cena, he is a pious and strong leader. None can match his skill with a spear.
Jordan(@young.ramsay)- A long time friend of Jack, and 2nd in command of Jack's Army. He has exceptional Smash skillz, and has mastered the art of shitposting.
Jay(@jay_harkins)- Jack's personal adviser, and lead singer in the Imperial Band. Supplies dank weed.
Chris(@marth.of.altea)-Second in command. He often recommends music for the army, and his sword skills are legendary.
Anna(@shitty.spam)Jack's mistress. She is of noble blood, and has skill with magic.
Juan(@kekkkys)- Originally from Drek, he illegally crossed the border. He impressed Jack with his Monado skills, and rose to 4th in command. Hentai am I right?
Dusty Dan(@officialwario)- Legend has it that he made an entire legion of scrubs die with just his muscles. He's that awesome.

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