Chapter Two

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Aries POV
"I swear I know that kid Scorpio!" I say to Sagittarius.
"How?" He asks.
"I think he was a friend at my old school, not sure though." I say, my brain about to explode from such a strain on my memory capacity.This was a tough one to think about. Oh well, I guess I'll just find out as time goes on. Sagittarius and I head towards our room and take a seat down the back of the classroom. Almost all of the rest of the class is here. Dang it, I wasn't here first!I think to myself. It's all Sagittarius' fault! Pieces and Scorpio walk in a few seconds just before the the final bell rings and I snort at how late they are. Then the teacher starts ranting on about stuff I don't even care about.
"Wait. What is this class again?" I ask Sagittarius. He looks at me blankly and points to the board at the front of the room.
"English... With...Misses...Motrane!"I read slowly.
"Took you long enough!" Sagittarius scolds.
"Shut up" I mumble as I punch his arm playfully. As Miss. Motrane keeps on rambling on I sulk, thinking about how long it would take for the bell to ring that signalled recess. Then a few minutes later it rings, and I sprint for the door. Pushing away any idiots standing in front of it in the process.

Zodiacs HighDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora