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Ashton's Pov:
I've been looking and looking for my twin sister but the problem is that I don't know her name😩 so this it harder than I thought...

Emilee's Pov:
I must be seeing something because I just saw shut who looked like me 🙀

Louis' Pov:
Samantha has been crying since she saw the 2 shadows in the window that day... *FlashBack*
I haven't heard in 3 day about my kids I got a call this morning that Emilee ran away and didn't want to speak to her 'Adopted Parents' but that she was looking for us.😳
"SAMANTHA!!!" I yelled to my wife for the 4 time in a row
I know she's stressed out because of the twins so I got up and ran/walked to where she yelled from.
"Love? Sam? Samantha?" I called out trying to look for her
I've looked everywhere...I was about to give up and leave her alone until I hear a sob from our closet where we have a Narina like closet inside of the walk in closet. I opened the Narina like closet. Picked her up and sat down then placed her in my lap. " don't cry I bet the twins are fine there strong but even stronger when their together. I'm gonna talk to the boys to help us look for them okay." "You'll *hiccup* do that for me *hiccup*?" She asked once her tears stopped "anything for you Sam." I kissed her tears stained cheeks "I love you Samantha." She smiled "I love you too Louis lets go fine the twins." She got up and ran/walked to her phone that was in the music room where I was at before.
"HURRY UP YOU GRANDPA!!!" Sam yelled from the end of the hallway
"YOU DID NOT JUST CALL ME A GRANDPA!!" I yelled and ran after her
All you heard in our house was laughter and crying???
*End of FlashBack*
I didn't see Samantha walk in the kitchen because I was in deep thought... I felt her thumb stroke my cheek wiping away a tear I didn't notice was there. "BooBoo... are you sure you don't want to call the boys yet??" I just look down so she doesn't see me cry anymore. She walked away:( I the background I heard her talking on the phone to someone.." Can you please come over is important.... Yea we want to look for them today.... She ran away from her 'parents' and his 'mother' passed.... I thought I saw them but I didn't tell Lou.... They were at separate windows of the house.... Yea... Well wait until you get here.... Thanks bro... Love you too NiNi" I heard her walk back from the kitchen... "BooBoo NiNi, LiLi, Hazzy Wazzy, and Zayn are on their way Zayn was visiting the boys and said he would come because this is a family emergency and he didn't have to be in the studio " I didn't say anything instead I grabbed her torso and sat her on my lap hugging her to death....

*15 minutes later of Sam and Lou sitting on the love seat enjoying each other's company and hugging *

Sam's Pov:

' Ding-Dong My Pants Are On Fire And If I open this door you'll see my knickers... If you want to see them then wait for me to open the door....' Said the door bell that we customized in Lou's voice. We heard laughter from outside Lou's voice from the doorbell that we customized
"BooBoo the boys are here I'll be back" I kissed his cheek and went to answer the door
"Hey Boiiiss like Lou's DoorBell Customizing." I asked the laughing boys at the door who are red as a tomato
"Oi sista lovely doorbell " NiNi said who face was redder than anyone else.
"Whatever NiNi no hug well I guess I'll just give LouLou a hug my favorite person ever!!!" I yelled and was a bout to close the door when I heard "OI SAMANTHA JULIANA HORAN OPEN THIS DOOR!!!" Niall yelled then I heard Louis yell "OI SHE'S TOMLINSON NOW HORAN!!!" I ran into Louis arms and sobbed because I realized that my 2 beautiful children aren't HORAN or TOMLINSON ......

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