Emilee and Ashton are twins who where separated at birth. When they were born there parents gave them an oval shaped locket with a picture of there family before they were separated. The major problem is they get adopted by different couples and fam...
Samantha's Pov: After we left Alexis house. We found out it wa- "Ohh Hi Harold 😌" He looked at me suspicious and said "Hi Tommo" "NO! HAROLD SHES HORAN NOT TOMMO!" NiNi screamed! "NIALL JAMES HORAN DONT TELL MY WIFE SHES NOT A TOMMO! YOU PEASANT!!" Lou screamed! "Niall James Horan and Louis William Tomlinson! I don't want to hear a peep out of both of you I was talking to Harry and you know how rude that is! If I hear a peep out of any of you guys I'm taking you both to Niall's house taking Niall's keys and driving off😒" I told them with a strict tone. "Mum how did you do that?"Emilee asked after there was a few minutes of silence. "Your Mum has lived with Uncle Ni and your dad for a while to know how to control them and they know not to mess with her. She has them rapped around her finger😂😂" Z laughed "Zayn Javaad Malik." "Sorry Sam." Everyone laughed. "Okay Lou can I have the keys please I need to drive us somewhere." The boys looked at me weird "WHAT!!! I KNOW WHERE MY SON IS AND IM GOING TO GET HIM IF YOU GUYS DON'T CARE ABOUT ME OR MY CHILDS SAFETY THEN GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CAR AND FORGET ABOUT ME AND MY CHILDREN ALONE! I'v-e los-t th-em on-c-e I'-m n-o-t los-in-g th-em ag-a-in!" I sobbed Louis looked at me stopped the car got out grabbed my phone out of my hand where I had Ashton's location which was at Starbucks. "No! Louis give it back I need to find him!" I sobbed more "Let do it together princess where an amazing team!" He said softly I didn't respond I grabbed my phone out of his hands and ran towards Starbucks as fast as I could to get my son. "PRINCESS!!" "SAM!!" "SAMANTHA!!" "SAMIE!!" "MUMMY!!" "SISSY!!" That's what I heard behind me as I ran I sat outside of Starbucks trying to catch my breath still crying until I heard... "Hi are you okay miss? Would you like some water?" A boy who looked like Lou asked me.
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"Ashton?" "Yes?" "Hi Ashton I know this isn't how you want to meet but I'm your Mum and I've been looking everywhere for you." "YOU LIER! I SAW YOU LAUGHING MESSING AROUND WITH A GUY!!! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME OR MY TWIN SISTER WHO IM TRYING TO FIND!!!" He screamed at me "Ashton. That day you saw me I was with your father and he was trying to make me laugh and smile because when I heard from you foster father you left. I've been crying trying to find you. I'm here now because I remembered the locket around your neck that you've had since you were a baby that I put a tracker in it so I could find you and your sister when your older. Don't worry about Emilee I found her in an alley. She's with your father." "Mum. That guy was not in any way my father! He abused my Mother and killed her with is the reason I left because she told me before she passed and I beat the crap out of that bloody bastard!" He told me with angry tears running down his cheeks "What a jerk! Come here baby" I told him with open arms. *** Two more chapter left!!! I almost forgot this is how the lockers look like
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