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Samantha's PoV:
Emilee is here but in an alley way walking around. Poor baby she must be scared. 😔  I grab my jacket and run out of the house to the car to get Emilee.
"Finally you show!" Harry tells me with attitude
"Harold don't you start with me if you don't want to help then get out of my car!" I yell at him and his face soften
"Sorry Sam. It's just me and Alexis broke up today and I think she's pregnant with my baby." He said looking down
"Well then Alexis house is our next stop." I screamed started the car and driving to the alley way I saw Emilee in
"Erm... Not to question you or anything sis but what are we doing in an alley way?" I shhed him when I saw Emilee hiding behind a trash can scared.
I got out of the car and heard someone follow me
"Hi Emilee" I smiled at her with tears in my eyes
"Do I know you?" She asked
"Emilee I'm your mum."
she looked at me and who ever was behind me and asked " who's he"
"Hi Emilee. I'm your dad and this is your Uncles" he said pointing at the boys who had tears in their eyes
"Hi" she squeaked
I hugged her but she pushed me away
"I thought you didn't want me the other day at that big house of yours I saw you and this dude laughing and having a blast with out me and my twin whoever he is." She said with tears falling down her cheeks
"I knew I saw someone at the window! Emilee we would never EVER not want you and Ashton we love you guys to much! We're sorry we couldn't keep you and Ashton but if we did they would of killed you and Ashton." I told her sobbing into my hands
"Can I please know your names if I'm gonna live with you?"
"Your gonna come with us?" I asked shocked
"Yes. I love you too mum! I been trying to find my twin but no use so I came in here to sleep for a while. Wait how did you find me?" She asked
"You know that locket you have around your neck. Well I put tracking devices when you were little so I could find you when your older and meet you with out your father knowing" I told her in secret
"Hi Em! I'm Niall your mum's brother"
"Hi sweetie! I'm Liam. Wait don't I know you from somewhere? Oh yea I remember the day I was in a hurry to pickup Jazel."
"Hi Emilee! I'm Harry"
"Hi Emilee! I'm Zayn.. You might not see me around that much but just know I'm here for you" Z smiled
"Hi!" She screamed like Lou
We laughed and she looked at us confused....
"Why did you laugh?" She asked
"Because you get your loudness from me" Lou screamed me at the end.
*At Alexis' house*
"Hey Alex" I smiled at her and walked in with Emilee at my side
"Hey Sam. Who's this?" She said pointing to Em.
"Oh this is my daughter Emilee. Em  this is Alexis"
  "This is the Emilee Tomlinson!?!?"
"Yup" I said popping the 'p'

Hey Carrot Ninjas :) I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry for that  :(
Well here's this weeks update I'll try to update next week or sometime this weekend/week :) enjoy the tb video :)
Love Sam 🤗

Dedicated to:



It's a person

Who I love their reading list

And should  post a story

But their scared to


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