{Chapter 1}

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The Ark.

A bulky ship with nowhere to go, nowhere to see. Just thousands of people living in space with nothing to do but keep the Ark alive so they stay alive.

I hear the ships floors rattle underneath me as it stomp down the halls. I was looking for a way out of this ship, a way out of my life. I wanted to run so far I would crumple before I stopped, so far that I would die of exhostion. So far that I would leave everything behind.

But none of that would happen today because I've been stuck in a ship, in space, for 17 years! I honestly would rather be sent to Earth then stay here another second.

I stopped dead in my tracks, my shoes squeaked loudly and people stared as they walked by, but I didn't care I had an idea, a stupid one, but none the less I had an idea.

I started picking up my pace and then seconds after I was in a sprint, the musty air of the creaking worn down ship, passed over me like water droplets over a car. Whatever I can picture a car would look like.

My feet boomed along the floor, the breath in my throat caught as I started to get tired, I don't know if you knew this but we don't do a lot of running up here in space.

"Shumway!" I yelled into the room I was entering. The guard was talking to some people, when he heard me he looked up immediately. From what I could see it looked like he was excusing himself from the situation he had before him.

He walked over hastily towards me, he grabbed my arm hard and whipped me around. I got dragged into a corner of the room, even though me feet weren't protesting. "What do you want?" He whispered to me.

"I changed my mind, I will do it." I replied back with determination in my voice.

"To late sweety, I already found someone to shoot Jaha for me." My face changed for in instant with disappointment, before I changed back to my stone face. Shumway seemed to notice because he looked cheerful almost. "Did you want to shoot Jaha, or is there another reason?"

He squeezed tighter on my arm, and then I noticed that he still had hold of me, I shook him off and turned halfway, "Nevermind, I just... nevermind." I turned the rest of the way and almost walked away before Shumway took my arm again and spun me around.

"Although, your daddy would be so disappointed that you went to the ground, it would crush him."

"My father has nothing to do with this!" I whisper yelled back, struggling to let my arm free.

"Ah, ah, ah. Do you want to leave the Ark?" My expression gave it all away, "So then you will listen to everything I say."

Shumway told me that I needed to make a scene in front of these people by fighting him, but I wouldn't really fight him I would struggle and then he would knock me out quick. After that everything would be done, I would be on the exodus ship headed to Earth.

I agreed.


It was done in less then five minutes. My head pounded as I came into consoisness, I groand. Someone spoke next to me. "Are you ok? You've been out for a long time." I tried to look up but my head hurt like hell, and I felt so so dizzy. I almost hurled.

"Just great." I got out. When I could finally see straight, and my vision wasn't blurry anymore I looked up at the person who was talking to me.

He was an good looking guy, around my age, dark hair, dark eyes. "Hi I'm Bellamy." He grinned at my slyly.

I looked down at his clothes and realized he was wearing a guards uniform, "You aren't a guard, are you?" He shook his head. We didn't talk anymore on the way down.

When the ship started to go to Earth it was a bumpy ride, my head lolled around and everyone was shaking in there seats. Three guys got out of their seats and floated around the ship, bad idea.

Other people were yelling at them to get back into their seats, I agreed with the people that were saying that but I didn't say anything. The landing was rough. The whole ship rocked, all three boys fell when we started entering the atmosphere. Two of them looked badly injered, maybe even dead, I didn't know but I wasn't about to get out of my seat and find out.

When we landed I hesitateted and then got out of my seat. People were already out of there seats and headed down to the bottom level to get out of the door, I didn't do that, I went to go check on the two boys that got hurt during the crash. I checked both their pulses, dead. I sighed and looked up, no one was here but me, no one cares what happened to the boy's.

I heard a machine scratching noise and knew that they were opening the door. What if the air was toxic? I guess they would be dead soon anyway if it was. Better to know now then wait. I didn't hear any screaming, so I think that was a good sign.

I heard faint footsteps like one person going down a metal ramp, then, "We're back bitches!" Someone screamed that then a crowd yelling and cheering, they were all going down the ramp now. I headed over to the ladder and climbed down. It was so bright, when my eyes adjusted I could see green. Green! I literally ran over to the opening and stepped outside, but still stayed on the ramp. I filled my nostrils with the freash air of Earth, I looked up at the sun and almost cried at how beautiful Earth looked.

A girls voice broke my train of thought, "Are they alive?" I looked back to see a blonde girl looking at me with concerned eyes.

"No, there not." I said sadly and looked down.

"Thank you." The girl smiled at me.

"For what?" I asked, confused at what I'd did for her.

"For caring." I nodded my head.

The girl walked away and I stayed near the ship, I walked off the ramp and touched a tree, I almost hugged it I was so happy to be here, and not be dead by the radiation.

I looked at the sun one more time and thought.

I'm home. I'm finally home.

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