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Louis walked into the school, keeping his head low and tucking his small hands into the pockets of his oversized hoodie. Somehow word had gotten out that he was pregnant and of course, everyone was disgusted.




Every word just hurt him more. Making him want to crumple up and disappear . He felt their glares, burning into his skin.

He saw Liam at the end of the hallway, laughing with his mates as usual. As if he didn't have a care in the world.

Liam turned his head and saw the small boy walking down the hallway. His gray hoodie making him seem even smaller than he was.

He felt a pang of pain in his heart, his stomach churn, wanting to just reach out and hold him.

But he couldn't.

Louis looked up and made eye contact. His usual bright blue eyes were a gray color, his skin paler than usual. Louis just shook his head and walked away. He just bit his lip, turning back to his mates.

Louis felt the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. His throat contracting and he felt as if he was suffocating.

He ran to the closest bathroom, locking himself in the biggest stall and letting himself fall apart. He slid down the wall as the tears slid down his cheeks, he felt as if all the blood had been drained from his body, or at least he wish it had.

"Lou?"He heard his mate call which made him cry even harder.

"Louis babe I'm coming in."Zayn said, crawling under the stall door. He saw Louis in the corner of the stall, his soft hair poking out of the hoodie.

He immediately rushed over and pulled him into his arms. Whispering sweet nothings in his ear while running his fingers through Louis' fringe.

"Please stop crying."Zayn said, his eyes turning glossy at the sight of Louis. Every time Louis tried to stop crying, it just resulted in him crying even harder than before.

"Shh it's alright Lou."Zayn said, trying to comfort him. After a few minutes of constant crying, he heard the boy sniffle and look up at him.

"How about we just ditch yeah? We could go to get ice cream or something?"Zayn suggested and Louis nodded.

He got up before helping Louis up, opening the stall door and leading Louis out of the bathroom.

"It's been a month Zayn."Louis said as they walked out of the school building. Zayn pursed his lips, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"A whole month and he hasn't even tried to-"Louis began to say before his voice cracked and a few tears began to stream down his face.

"You have to talk to him Lou."

"What am I supposed to say?"Louis wondered out loud.

"I don't know but just talk to him Lou, you know what it's like not to have two parents in your life, do you want you baby to go through that?"Zayn said and Louis nodded, understanding what he meant by that.

His dad had left him and his mum when he was only two weeks old. Just packed his bags and left, no note, no nothing. His childhood was a complete mess after this, living in a one bedroom apartment with a depressed mother. His mum of course found a man but that was when Louis was twelve, too late to fix the boy.

Once they arrived at the ice cream shop Louis got two scoops of chocolate with gummy bears, which of course made Zayn smile at his cuteness. He got a scoop of vanilla, wanting to keep it simple.

They walked to the park with their ice cream, chatting about random things. "How are things with your mum?"Zayn asked as they sat on the swings.

"It's getting better."Louis sighed. When Louis told his mum about the baby, she cried. After crying for hours she started yelling at Louis and telling him how big of a mistake this was and how his life was over.

After that she didn't talk to him for a week, which made Louis go into an even worse state than he started at. Both his mum and Liam ignoring him, he didn't know what to do.

Louis set his hand over his protruding stomach, since he was a small boy he would obviously have a small baby. He wasn't showing very much, but Niall and Zayn still obsessed over his small bump.

He wished Liam would do that.

After they finished their ice cream, the boys made their way back to the school since Zayn had of course forgotten his skate board and he "couldn't live without it" so of course they had to go back for it.

Once they arrived at the school, he saw there was a gym class on the field, spotting Liam and his mates near the bleachers aka "the fuckboy squad" as everyone called them.

The "fuckboy squad" consisted of Liam, Harry, Ashton, and Josh all known for being the star players of the football team and getting around the most.

"This is your chance Lou."Zayn said motioning to Liam who was sat on the bench, playing around on his phone. Louis shook his head at Zayn and he rolled his eyes.

"Just talk to him, for me?"Zayn begged and pouted.

Louis of course couldn't resist Zayn's pouty face and nodded in agreement. "Good, now I'll meet you out front okay?"Zayn asked and Lou nodded.

Louis sighed.

"Here goes nothing."

He walked up to Liam, his vans scraping again the cement. "Liam?"Louis asked quietly and Liam's head shot up. His chocolate brown eyes widening.

"Um can I talk to you please?"Louis asked and Liam nodded, standing up.

Liam led them behind the bleachers, leaning against a pole and running his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting."Liam said standing up straight. Louis nodded, biting his lip.

"It's okay."Lou whispered, already feeling the like he was suffocating.

"No it isn't, I shouldn't have blocked you, I shouldn't let people treat you like that I just-"Liam sighed, running his hands over his face.

"I'm just scared."Liam admitted and this made Louis.

"Don't you think I'm scared?!"Louis said raising his voice.

"Well I don't know, all you have to do is carry it and then I would be the one who would pay all the bills and do all the work."Liam said and Louis laughed, tears now streaming down his face.

"You don't give a shit about anyone else but yourself do you? Wow I thought maybe you have changed but no you're still a total douche bag!"Louis said madly, wiping his tears away.

"Louis I-"

"I don't fucking care what you have to say! Just pretend this never happened."Louis said, beginning to walk away madly.

Liam turned around, chasing after him. He grabbed his arm but Louis shook his hand away."Don't touch me!"

"Lou please just-"

"Oh and one last thing!"Louis said strictly, wipping around which almost caused Liam to crash into him.

"Don't ever call my baby an 'it'"

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