Chapter 25: Graduation

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******NOT EDITED*********

Eva and Marcos drove in silence. She was sure he had a thousand things to say to her but she wasn't done with today's events and she wasn't ready to speak. She waited, anticipating the last of her plans. So far, everything had gone as she imagined. She was glad she had prepared for the worst. They drove out of Palm Springs, her car was the fourth car of the six that drove on the 111 road. The Chief was held on the second vehicle from the line. All heading to San Diego.

They didn't want to drive him to the L.A field office, it being his home turf. Later after everything was done he'd be transferred back to the city where he'd be prosecuted. They drove on the 111 hwy toward the 74 W. Marco's noticed Eva's breathing becoming sharper as they approached the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains. He looked at her and saw her bite her lower lip, a sign of agitation. She flexed her hands into fists, open and closed them, repeatedly. He noticed that she sat up straight and began to look around.

Then he saw it. Ahead the road was blocked. There were men dressed in military gear, vehicles parked to the side of the road, hidden from some trees and bushes. Agent Chavez quickly got out to investigate. He was riding in the vehicle that had the Chief.

One man stepped up quick to face him a smile on his face. Eva gasped as she recognized him. In seconds men came out from everywhere branding their guns surrounding them all. They made them all get out, removed the keys from the vehicles, took all cell phones, guns everything they carried. They had the agents line up in a row, hands behind their head. Guns on the back of their heads as they cursed and dared them to move.

They pulled out the Chief, placed a mask on him and dragged his body to another vehicle, quickly the car went away. Everything was done so fast, they moved with such precision. In less than 5 minutes they had removed their prisoner and placed them in one of their vehicles, without firing a single shot. Eva and Marcos were lined up on the floor, they had tied their hands behind their head. Eva turned her head to see the action, she locked eyes with Chavo as he motioned to his team to move out.

After they had left, everyone jumped up. Eva could here Agent Chavez cursing. He couldn't believe what just happened. They had counter attacked them, and efficiently had stolen his prisoner. All that work had gone down the drain. He cursed his luck. He couldn't call or radio for help, they were stuck in the middle of the road, their hands tied, they had removed everything from them.

They had to wait almost 40 minutes before they saw another vehicle pass by. By then, it was a guessing game which route they had gone, they could be anywhere by now.


It took several hours to debrief Eva. She was hungry, thirsty and tired. A medic had assessed her wounds and warned her about her bruised body, her right knuckle had cracked and she had bruised ribs and scrapes through out her body. The wound on her head was stitched up. Her body was numb, the adrenaline of the day began to ebb away. Shock began to settle in as she realized that it was over.

Marcos saw her lip move into a small smile and her eyes light up. She was deep in thought as she massaged her hands. He knew that Eva would have to explain herself to him but didn't want to push yet. He decided to stay the night in San Diego and make their way back to L.A in the morning. Both exhausted they crashed.


News about the Chief's secret life was soon released. The raids that H.S.I had made were filled by civilians video recording and put on social media for everyone to see. There was a total of 40 women they had freed. They had also found drugs and guns as well and with all the other evidence they had it was easy to extract everyone involved.

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