Chapter 2

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~Freddy's POV Still~

"So what happened was...I had a nightmare...and it was about my parents..." Mari's eyes widen. "Awww I'm so sorry you had a nightmare about that! You should know that your parents loved you very much, and even if we all don't remember very much about our families, we have each other. Forever and ever." She tells me. I look into her eyes. Those chocolaty brown eyes shine but something about her isn't certain. She smiles at me. "Thanks so much're right, I shouldn't worry, I have you guys!" I say to her and smile. "Don't worry about it! That's what I'm here for, to help the people I love!" Her face doesn't look like she normally does. Maybe it's just me. I decide to leave it. "I love you too Mari." I say, smiling. "I mean, I've been thinking about it too...but we can't always dwell on the past can we?" She says. "Exactly! Thanks Mari." I say, smiling. "It's no problem! Let's go back to breakfast." She says. "Alright." We leave my room and head back downstairs.

~Third Point Of View~

Mangle smirks as Freddy and Mari come downstairs. Mari sits in between Mangle and Chica, while Freddy is between Bonnie and Foxy. "What happened?" Mangle whispers. Mari looks

at Chica. She nods her head, showing she wants to know as well. "Nothing guys, I promised him I wouldn't tell and I'm not gonna lose his trust." Mari whispers. Freddy looks at Mari, and she nods, giving him the 'I didn't tell' sign. He nods back. "Alright fine.." The girls say. Meanwhile... "What happened dude?" Bonnie and Foxy ask. "I don't really want to talk about it. Only Mari knows and she helped so I'm okay now, really." Freddy says, smiling. "Alright, whatever you say." They respond. Goldy smiles. "Let's finish eating guys!"

~Later That Day~ ~Mangle's POV~

I was sitting on the couch, watching some YouTube, when I get a message in Chica, Mari, and my self's group chat...


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