Chapter 11

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~Mari's POV~   ~SADNESS INCOMING (Pretty much a lot of the next chapters will have sadness so yeah, get ready)~

I open the door to find Freddy. My eyes widen, I have no idea why he's here. I stand aside, letting him in. He sits down on the bed and motions for me to come sit next to him by patting the empty space besides him. I hesitate for a second, but then walk over and sit next to him, knowing he's my brother and just wants to talk. He looks me in the eyes, says, "Hey," and smiles. "Hi," I respond and smile knowing it's what he wants me to do. He says to me, "Don't smile if you don't mean it." He knows that I smiled for him so I drop my smile and he does the same. I whisper out, "Thank you for tonight," and look down. "Do you really mean it Mari?" He asks. I really didn't know how to respond. Half of me wanted to yes to make him feel okay, but the other wanted to scream no because it hurt me so much. So I go with what I would normally say to keep everyone happy. "Yes." I nod. "Hm, really? Well, okay." He says. I know that he knows I'm lying, he knows me too well. I sigh at this thought. "What's wrong?" I hear. "Nothing." I say, my normal response. He sighs. He knows now. Everyone knows now. I wish I would have just stayed brave and ate the stupid ice cream like everyone wanted me to. The tears start trickling down silently again.

"No one wanted that Mari..." I raise my head and look at him. I didn't realize I had said my thoughts out. He sees my crying face and tries to keep a straight face but fails. I can see the shock, concern, and sadness in his face. I show him a apologetic face and start to apologize and that he shouldn't be sad but he stops me. "Look, I know what you're going to say. but I want to stop you." I nod and dry the tears with my sleeve. "Mari, can I tell you something?" He asks. "Anything." "You know I don't mean tot hurt you right? Like ever." He asks. I nod, knowing this is true. "I'm just confused about what happened M..." I smile and choke out a laugh, I like that nickname. He smiles at me as well. I really didn't know what to say. I sigh, the "What's wrong?" coming right on time. I sigh and look at him. I mean really look at him. I look into his eyes, waiting to see his "creeped out" face but it never comes. I take his hands in mine, squeeze them, and hug him. He isn't surprised which makes me even more relieved. I begin to cry on his shoulder, while he strokes my hair and whispers, "It's okay going be okay sweetie..." in my ear. I just keep hugging and crying on him. Even after I've finished crying, I keep hugging him, enjoying the warmth he brings. "I love you." He whispers to me. "I love you too." I whisper back and smile. I let go of him and look at him. He wipes the tears from eyes and smiles at me.

I say, "Thank you Freddy..." and smile at him. "Anything for you Mari..." He whispers. "I'm ready to tell you what happened..." I say. "Go ahead, take all the time you need." He says. I sigh. "Okay, here goes." I say. "When I was little..." I start. He's looking at me with a patient, loving face and urges me to continue. "When I was a little girl, we were very poor. And with things like that, I hate it when people spend money on me. Now, you might be wondering, well, Goldy got us all this stuff, but one day, I'm planning on paying him back, for everything he's done for us, bought for us, spent time on us, everything." I stop, looking up at his face, wanting to see his reaction. His face filled with concern and sadness. "Understand now?" I ask. He nods. "That's why I didn't want you to buy me anything, and I mean, you said you would be sad if you didn't take us to dinner, and I want you to be happy, but you never said anything about dessert, so that's why I freaked out...I'm-" I get cut off. "Marionette." I looked at him surprised, I haven't heard anyone say my full name in a while. "Stop being sorry, you never did anything wrong okay?" He says. "But...but..." I stutter. "No buts, sorry is only for when you do something wrong, not for everything." He states. "I know, I know...I'm-never mind..." I say. He sighs. "Freddy, I can't okay? I'm sorry." He sighs once more. "Freddy, really, what's bothering you?" I say. He looks at me. "I just don't like seeing my little sister so upset." He says. I sigh and smile at that. "Freddy, I know, and I'm sorry that I kept it in okay? And I'm sorry I broke down on you, when you were just trying to give me a good time, I didn't mean any of it." I say. I expected his tone to be harsh, but instead, I find it calm and loving. "Mari." He looks at me. "Don't apologize. I understand. It's in your nature to help people, to be kind, to not show if anything is wrong or bothering you. But you have to understand that not everything needs to be okay, that it's okay to cry, and not hold it in okay?" He says. I start to disagree, but he stops me. "No buts. Mari, I'm serious, you can cry. You can tell us what's wrong. If you feel comfortable talking to the girls or Goldy, then that's okay, we understand. Just talk with who makes you comfortable." He tells me. "Okay, I know, I just..." "What Mari?" He says with a pleading face. "I just...don't know who to talk to, what to say, what do to, why I'm like this..." I trail off.

"Hm..." "What?" I ask. "Who makes you comfortable here Mari?" He asks. "Well..." I saym, thinking about it. "Everyone, really." I tell him. "Really? So, if you got a boyfriend, you would be comfortable with telling Goldy? Or us guys?" "Well...a little..." "See. So who makes you comfortable?" He asks again. "The girls really..." I say and sigh. "I feel like I can tell them anything. You know, it's not just because of you guys or anything, I just...they're girls, they get what I go through, you know?" I tell him. "I get that Mari, I just want you to know that we're here for you, whenever and wherever you need us. Okay?" He asks. "Okay." I say. "I love you." "I love you too." I go behind him and lay on my bed with a sigh and close my eyes. "You tired?" He asks. "Big time." I say. "I'll let you get your rest." He says. "No'" I trail off into sleep. I feel him take my phone out of pocket, put the blanket over me, and kiss my forehead. "Goodnight." I hear him whisper. He opens the door, closes the lights, and leaves. I then black out.


Hi addicts! Here's chapter 11! Thanks for reading! I'm off to go study! (Thanks again school ._.) So, I'll see you guys in the next chapter! <3

P.S.-Time for an explanation everyone...

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