Chapter one: London here i am.

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Heather's P.O.V:

In my 18:
September 1st 2012:

I'm finally following my dreams, going to London U.K was one of my biggest dream, I mean not for only studying, but I liked how London look like she's so beautiful and gorgeous she looks like a lady or more like a princess who never grow old, she always young and full of energy made by the people who love there, I mean who can't love London? Or who can't love the U.K in general? Anyways I was looking for a new life, I've never been a popular girl in my schools or university, and I've never been a people person, it means that I wasn't a sociable person, and it means too that I hadn't so much friends so it wasn't very hard for me to move to an other country all I had is one wonderful bet Friend named Georgia Parker she's the best ever we've been best friends for so long but not anymore, the plan is about to land so exited about what will happen, some girl will wait for me to show me the way to my new house, the house my parents give it to me, after that I have to check my new university, than I have to look for a job, big day today, finally the plan landed, oh god can't wait, I went out the plan it was a quit huge airport who had like so much people, I was searching for that girl who will guid me to my house and I've finally found her, she's an old woman, my name was writing in like a paper so I run over her

"Heather Bell?!" She asked

"Yeah! That's me!" I said smiling exited

"Welcome in London! I'm Jody and I'm the one who will guid you home!" She said smiling too

"Thank you! That's very kind from you!" I said smiling

"Well that's my job! Anytime" she said again showing me where to go with her hand. "We have to hurry! The car is in that way" she said letting me go first

"Okey! Lets go" I said walking

We were in the road she was showing me all the things I should know about England and the U.K's, the rules, what should I do and what I shouldn't do, like everything I need to know about, we finally arrived to my new house, we'll I liked that apartment and it was big I mean, A big living room, a big kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms and everything was set, I had just one television who was in the living room, I just liked it after showing me everything the old lady left, and I was alone in that big house, I went out to buy things to eat and everything, but I didn't know where can I find a grocery or some kind of super market, so I decided to take responsibility and find one, I went out and I was just walking with a confused eyes and walk and looking everywhere it was just amazing I was walking and walking until I tripped in someone

"Oh! Sorry I was bluffed by all that beauty that I didn't see you, really sorry!" I said excusing him

"What beauty! You mean my beauty" he said laughing, oh god he was so perfect " just joking, you look confused, have you lost something!" He said looking in my eyes and I was doing the same, he had a green eyes and a curly brown hair and a perfect smile

"No! ... Uh, I mean, I'm new here and I'm just looking where can I buy food and everything " I said laughing

"Oh! Okey, so welcome here!"he said smiling then added "I can take you if you want!" He suggested

"Oh! That would be so nice from me!" I said smiling

"Is that a yes!" He asked laughing

"Yes, it is" I said laughing too

We were walking to some kind shop, and all the girls were screaming while seeing him, I mean it isn't like he is the most beautiful boy on earth, it's true he is beautiful but ... Uh, I can't understand, is it the way the say you are perfect in London

"That's so weird!" I said laughing

"What? ... Oh! I'm used to it" he said laughing

"But I can't understand! Why are they screaming and asking who I am, if they don't even know you!" I asked

"Well let us say they know me more than I do" he said looking at me then smiling

"How! Oh! Sorry I'm not trying to ... You know ..." I said laughing

"Oh no! That's okey! You probably don't know me" he said laughing

"Is it weird that I don't know you! ... I mean I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable with my questions like kind of an interview ..." I said

"No it isn't! I'm more comfortable with people who don't know me, I mean, I don't have to be so perfect around them, but in front of my fans I have to, I mean they should always see me perfect" he said smiling

"Fans! Perfect! Are you a top model or something! Anyways ... I'm gonna stop my questions, sorry I talk too much" I said laughing

"No! No! Keep talking I like the way you talk you have a very deep voice plus I like your questions that means that you are clever" he said

"Ow! Thanks" I said

"Here we are! You can buy anything you want from here" he said showing the shop with his beautiful fingers

"thank you so much, you are so kind, thank you again"I said smiling then walked in

"Wait!" He said stoping me "I didn't know your name yet!" He said

"That's a clever question I didn't had in mind, I'm Heather" I said smiling

"Heather, beautiful name, I like it, so classy" he said smiling and I did the same then he was going

"What's yours?" I yelled then smiled

"I'm Harry" he said with his British accent then smiled

"Nice to meet you Harry!" I said waving at him as he was a little far from me

"Nice to meet you too Heather" he said waving and smiling then everyone of us went in his way

He's such a beautiful and perfect and awesome and gentle man, I mean his way of talking ... everything, but I still didn't know something about him, who is he really! Like why all that girls were screaming while seeing him and asking him who I am!, that's weird, anyways I bought anything I needed to for now then went back home, best day ever till now

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