Author's Note

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Eyyyy lmao

Sorry this isn't an update I'm working on that, just a little note to tell you all some stuffs

First of all, THANK YOU ALL FOR READING MY CRAPPY FIRST FANFIC I know its not the best but it means so much that people aren't entirely disgusted by my work. I dunno what you guys want from this fic but I'm willing to write anything so if you have an idea or want anything in specific (events, people, places, smuuuut? ;)) --sorry if I just disturbed someone I'm a bad baby-- feel free to message me or comment. Again, thank you all so much it means tons to me as a writer and I never get tired of hearing ideas or opinions.

Second of all do I need a name for you guys? If my readers want to be called specific names and such, I know some writers do that and I wanna know if you'd be open to it. I don't want anything too cutesy or embarrassing just a name or such for recognition purposes. Ideas are soooo open

Third of all, do I have any Percy Jackson/ heroes of Olympus fans? Cause I'm thinking about writing couple one shots (I'm really good at those ^_^) for pjo and hoo, maybe other fandoms such as supernatural, Sherlock, etc. My main concern is pjo/hoo so if you guys think I should start that at some point I'd love to get some voices on it

Again, thank you all for bearing with me. I don't know how successful this will be but I'm hoping this will spark some creativity within me. This won't be my only johnlock fix so if you're into that just follow and read my dear +.+

Hope you like the next few chapters and beware the feels &-&

Teetee a fen, tata for now!


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