Author's Note 2

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Ayy lmao

How's it going, beloved readers?

I'm so glad you guys take the time out to read my crap, it means the world to me.

Also, almost 1000 reads WHAT WHY DO YOU LIKE THIS OMF

That doesn't mean I'm not happy, though. I'm thrilled you guys keep reading even when it takes me forever to update.

I'll try to get a new chapter in ASAP for you guys, promise *.*


Any ideas for future chapters? I'm not even really sure where I'm going with this so if there's something you'd like too see be included feel free to comment. I'm always open to you guys' ideas and opinions!

Again, I'm so thankful for everyone reading and voting on my work it makes me too hyped for life. I hope you all continue to read and maybe I'll write a sequel if I'm up to it. ;)

Teetee a fen, tata for now!


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