Chapter 14

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That night, both John and myself slept in my bed. I'd never spent a whole night sleeping by someone else's side, but I'd never imagined that it could be so warm and comfortable. I didn't even have the night terrors that sometimes plagued my sleep. John muttered a few times, and held my arm when his nightmares came, but he was otherwise peaceful. That was a word I could hardly ever describe my life with, yet here I was in the arms of my blogger, happier than I could ever remember. That night, my heart beat to the music of the piece that brought us together.


I made breakfast that morning, because it was my day off. When I had first awoke to see Sherlock's face an inch in front of mine, my heart fluttered. It was still doing so as I stirred the bowl of eggs, and still rustling gleefully in my chest when I flipped the pancakes. I couldn't even believe where I was, where we were in this relationship. I pinched myself several times to make sure it wasn't a dream.

While setting the plates around Sherlock's science equipment, I heard him call for me. The worry in his voice almost made me drop the plate and run after him. I forced myself to stay put. "Kitchen!" I called back. I heard his footsteps pounding down the hallway as he came to a hard halt in the doorway, his eyes wild.

"I thought you left," he said quietly. I shook my head with a reassuring smile. "I made breakfast," I held up a plate to show him. His nose twitched once as he stared blankly. I knew he wouldn't eat much, but he thanked me anyway. He only ever thanked me or Mrs.Hudson.
To my utter shock, he finished most of his plate. I wasn't a master chef, but he consumed the small meal like he hadn't eaten in weeks. As far as I knew, he hadn't.

"Lestrade called," I told him, staring unintentionally. "He thinks he might have a case for us." He nodded, his hair bouncing in front of his head. His eye caught mine. "You're staring," he pointed out. I nodded, smirking. "Yeah I am." He cleared his throat, and I could have sworn I saw a pink tint in his cheeks. "I'll...get ready then?" I nodded, smiling at his sheer adorableness. Was it possible for someone to be so...magnetic, I suppose? My smile stayed with me as I cleaned up the table and searched for my day coat.


I was nervous, but also ecstatic. The possibility that arose in my mind hinted that perhaps I could tell the team at the yard about John and I. Of course, we'd only been official one night and imagine their reactions! Dear god, that thought terrified me. And I am not easy to terrify, mind you.

I thought about asking John if such a thing would be welcome as I showered, avoiding the gaze of my scars at all costs. They seemed like a boundary now, something that had held John and me apart until last night. I hated them even more.

I dressed, forcing myself to look in the mirror so I was at least presentable. Image is everything, as they say; whoever they are. My hair looked like running ink falling in my face. I made note to get it trimmed at some point.

My John waited patiently for me in the lounge, texting Lestrade that we'd come down to investigate. A nice juicy murder to spice up the boredom of these past dew days and maybe relieve some of my anxiety. I was silent for a moment as I led him downstairs into the main hallway. "John..." I began. He raised a brow. "Hm?" Another pause. "Should we tell them today? you prefer to wait?" I could hardly see him, as he was behind me, but I could tell he was smiling that little smile of his that would've made my unbeating heart melt.

"Maybe not everyone, but I'm sure Lestrade would be happy to know," he laughed. It amazed me how light and airy his words sounded. Was it possible that he was as happy as I was that we were finally together? Well of course, let's not ask stupid questions.

Lestrade had been pestering us two for an eternity about our relationship, it was only natural that he and Mrs.Hudson should have been the first to know. As our landlady was out, we settled to tell Lestrade once the topic would inevitably arrive.

John tried to hail a cab on the streets, but he was rubbish at it. He always blamed his height, though I tried to explain that it was the pitch in his voice. Besides, I wouldn't know a cabbie that could resist picking up someone so small and adorable. These thoughts came freely to me now, simple as breathing.

"Taxi!" I called, and like magic one appeared. "You're too good at this," John accused. I shrugged, smiling faintly. "I've had practice, I suppose." I opened the door for my blogger, climbing in with some difficulty after him. "Scotland Yard," he told the cabbie, a surly old man with a ghastly sweater. The cabbie grunted, and we were off.

The rides to the yard were always my favorite, because I could stare at John and he would be too busy emersed in the streets of London whizzing by to notice. What I didn't anticipate, however, was that he'd be staring at me all the same. As I turned to sneak a glance, I found his stare focused intensely on me just as I sometimes would focus on him. We both laughed quietly at this, the cabbie watching from the front.

"You're gay," he told us. John was about to snap a response, but I interrupted with, "I know." The old man smiled awkwardly, and that was that.

It took much too long to arrive at the yard, and while John left a small pile of cash daintily on the seat, I had flown out of the door and was already halfways up the walk. He followed after me in a sprint. "Sherlock! Some people have little legs, you know!" He called to me. I laughed, slowing my pace just enough for him to catch up.

Donovan tried to make a snide remark as I passed, and was a bit offended when I didn't react. In all honesty, I could hardly hear her over the giddy thud of my heartbeat. Now or never, I told myself. Lestrade greeted us casually, handing us a file. His eyes were tired but his smile was genuine. I doubted he got much sleep nowadays. "Double homicide," he yawned. "Happy birthday. Couple found in their home lounge, one shot the other stabbed. Gruesome, really." I grinned on pure instinct, but John nudged my arm with a small shake of the head. ''Not the time," he mouthed. I only shrugged. "You two go in together, I'll meet you there."

Despite myself, my smile crept up anyway. "Together," I repeated slowly, taking John's hand in my own. He was confused at first, but smiled and went along with it. "Together," he echoed. It took Lestrade ages to look up, but when he did his eyes widened to the size of golf balls. Suddenly he didn't look as tired anymore. There was a collective silence, until he gasped loudly enough to drain the room of any excess oxygen.


Everything moving or working outside the office stopped. John chuckled, but I winced. So much for only telling one person.

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