twenty two

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August 5th

1936 EST

The man hit the side of the brick wall with a thud. Lightning flashed across the sky in the mid-summer storm. Rain pouring down harder than the forces of some angry god in the heavens. Another arc of lightning lit up the sky once more, making the beaten man's shadows light up the wall.

CJ kept his eyes locked on the man, his knuckles white from clenching his balled up fists. "You're going to tell me where she is, and you're going to tell me right now." He said in a grave voice.

The man let out a distressed chuckle, which only made CJ angrier. There was quite some distance between them, but CJ knew this man had no chance of escape.

"So, Kid." The thug said, while wiping away the trickling blood from his lips. "What made you change out of the Red and Yellow?"

CJ kept quiet, glaring at the man intently.

"Oh come on, Kid," Another chuckle. "What happened? Your damsel in distress not alive anymore? It my opinion, I prefered Rapid, more of jokester."

The thug began to stand up from kneeling, CJ deducted the man's strength must be coming back by now.

"What do they call you now? It's something spooky and ominous like, Zoom? Reverse Rapid?" Another famous chuckle from the thug.

CJ set his jaw. Before the man could stand up, he raced over and grabbed his collar, shoving the man back against the wall. CJ could see his reflection in the man's eyes as lightning moshed around the stormy sky.

"No, that's right, I remember." The thugs tone changed instantly, and he gulped. "Blur. They call you The Blur."

CJ said nothing.

"Why... Why do they call you that anyway?" The man's voice cracked.

CJ's eyes danced with flicking blue bolts.

"Let's find out shall we?" CJ's voice esd grave and filled with doom. His grip on the man's coat collar tightened.

The man's eyes widened. "No! No, please. I-I'll tell you what you want. Just please, don't kill me!"

CJ sneered. "I'm listening," he said calculatingly as thunder echoed through the city around them.

"Rune took her. Someone was keeping him updated on your little journey. He got your girlfriend kidnapped and she's up in his fortress in Maine." The man rambled.

CJ searched his eyes for any tells that he was lying. After a long pause, he stepped away. "That better have been the truth." He said bitterly.

CJ began to walk away, then stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned his head back towards the Thug, letting out a devilish grin.

"Sorry about your wrists." He said, almost as soft as a ghostly whisper.

"My what-" But in a blink of an eye the man was cut off by a wailing scream and a piercing pain coming from his now broken wrists.

CJ tore out of the alleyway instantaneously, racing through the flooded streets like a blur of blue lightning that had descended from the dark clouds above.


CJ shook himself out of his thoughts. He needed to focus on finding Bristol. He didn't know exactly what he was looking for, but if it was anything like last time, there'd be another cabin in the woods with his name on it.

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