twenty eight

940 49 29

October 30th

1332 EST

Olive's eyes flew open, tearing her from her long needed nap and directing all her attention to the snap of a nearby twig. The alarming noise could have been an animal, but Liv wasn't too sure.

A brisk chill infiltrated her snug area of the woods, elevating her fear to a new level. Her heart began to beat rapidly, pounding against her chest in sporadic thumps.

Instead of calling out to the invader, Olive remained quiet, hidden in the camouflage of the forest. She channeled every thought she had into praying the figures weren't malicious, but she knew her pleas were futile.

The earth began to shake under Olive's feet. Leaves from the trees that encompassed her began to rapidly fall around her until she was hiding behind a bare shrub.

"Would you stop that Terra?" A gruff voice whispered to his companion. "The girl is going to run," he growled.

The girl? She questioned. She was the only one in the area, but why would strangers be after her?

At that moment, Olive realized the quake wasn't natural, but a woman controlling the earth. Olive peeked her head around the wood to get a closer look at the woman.

The only others she knew of with abilities were her own family members. She and her twin brother shared opposite powers; fire and ice. And if that wasn't enough, before her parents were murdered, her mom and dad were members of the legendary league of heroes, the Contingency.

A week or so ago, Olive left her twin with a group of strangers claiming to help him. They called themselves the Union and their purpose was to train heroes, but Olive felt she just wouldn't fit in there. She knew in her gut that her older brother was alive, and she'd rather dedicate her time to finding him.

From the second Liv left Tristan, every rustle, every movement, every person that looked at her the wrong way terrified her. Ever since Aaron went missing, her twin was all she had.

For the past year, Tristan hardly ever left her side. They learned to use their powers together and he was the only one Liv could trust with her life. But he had chosen strengthening his powers over finding their brother, and at the time, Olive couldn't stand with him for that.

Olive wouldn't abandon Aaron, but in doing so, she abandoned her best friend. She left to prove to Tristan and herself that should could do something with her powers without the training of people she didn't know or trust.

Now, with powerful strangers after her, all she did was endanger herself. The infiltrators searched the forest for her, malice evident in their wandering gaze.

Tristan lost his parents, his brother, and now he was going to lose his sister too. How could Olive be so thoughtless? Why couldn't she have opted for the safer route and stayed with the brother she knew was alive? Her brother that was there for her through everything. In return, she abandoned him.

In a spur of the moment decision, Olive turned around and began to run in the direction she came from. She had to get back to Tristan. She wouldn't lose him too.

All of a sudden, every feeling escaped Olive's body, replaced by an absence of physical control. She collapsed to the ground in a limp pile, unable to control her limbs.

"Going somewhere, Miss Dahl?" A stringy dark haired man appeared above her, malevolence twinkling in his eye.

"Hello? Earth to Ollie?" Tristan called, a concerned expression displayed across his features. He waved his hand in front of Liv's face, pulling her out of her daydream.

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