Chapter 7: Delivery

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Only a few hours passed before there was a knock on the door. Riku opened the door, half asleep. "Oh. Hey. What are you doing here?" He yawned.
"Who are your friends there?" A red headed wizard asked.
"There not my friends. Do you need something?" Riku asked.
"Hey!" Todd yelled. "I thought we were friends!"
"You look awful. What happened?" The girl asked.
"You see that creature behind you? Yeah, there were thousands of them." Riku yawned, the girl looked behind her.
"Ah. Wendigo's." She sighed. "Satan?"  Riku nodded. The girl was holding a package wrapped in brown paper. "Mind if I come in?" Fred was eyeing her.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Oh. My name is Levi." The girl said, shoving her hair behind her shoulder.
"So... What's going on?" Fred repeated. Levi put the package under her arm. It was as big as a microwave, but looked just as heavy.
"Let me guess." Riku started. "There's nothing important in there, and you just want an excuse to see me and ask for a favor."
"How did you know?" Levi said rhetorically.
"A reload?" He asked, Levi nodded. "Any explosives?" Levi nodded.
"And a hit list. There just some cereal killers in Tokyo." She said, pulling a piece of paper out from her jacket. "The military calls them 'ghouls'. Sounds pretty tame."
"Who exactly are you?" Fred asked.
"Don't worry about that." Levi said, handing Riku the package and the paper. Riku tore the package open and looked at the beautiful display of bullets, guns, and Riku's favorite... Explosives.
"Man, I love shipment days." He said.
"Merry Christmas." Wendy said.
"What's Christmas?" Riku asked.
Levi looked at him. "Shouldn't you be in uniform?"
"Yeah." He responded, not looking away from the weapons. "Wait..."
"What?" Levi asked. Riku took something out of the package.
"It stings." He said happily.
"Congratulations." Levi said, clapping.
"What?" Kevin asked.
Riku put the shiny object against one of his wounds, and it started to bubble over. He couldn't stop smiling.
"What?" Craig asked.
"These are bullets." Riku said.
"So?" Todd asked.
"Made of pure tetheril." He added.
"I've heard of it." Fred mumbled.
"It's practically holly water in solid form." Riku laughed. "I can't believe they trust me with these!" He dug around the package a little more and pulled out various items. "Tear gas, 15 grenades, bullets, knife, poison, 3 rockets, pistol, amo belt, and a bottle of holy water." He mumbled to himself. He pulled out a small black piece of what looked like plastic, no bigger than his fist. Riku licked it. His eyes widened, and he shoved the whole thing in his mouth, and swallowed.
"You happy?" Levi asked.
"Dehydrated flesh." Riku said happily. "They have been nice this time. Last time it was slug skin." He shuttered at the thought.
"What was it this time?" Levi asked.
"Hmmm... I think it was pig." He answered. "Thanks."
"Gross!" Wendy shrieked.
"Hey. I deserve to enjoy it. I only get these once a month." Riku snapped.
"Can you sharpen my blade? It wore down again." Levi explained, pulling a huge sword out of its sheath.
"I knew it." Riku mumbled, taking the blade.
"A katana?" Fred asked. "Why a Japanese sword?"
"Why so nosy?" Levi responded. "I can choose my own weapon."
"Is Riku one of them?" Craig asked.
Levi hesitated before saying "He used to be. Not anymore."
"I get it. Your a guardian keeper." Fred said. "I thought that they only did cage fights with the shapeshifters."
Levi glared at him. "Some do. I don't. I respect them."
"How many do you have?" Lucy asked.
"One. She didn't come because she hates Riku with a fiery passion." Levi said.
"She has all the right to." Riku mumbled.
"Your to hard on yourself. You could have never known." Levi said. Everyone was confused on what was going on.
"What?" Lucy asked.
"Very long story." Levi sighed. Riku put his hand over the sharp side of the blade, and sliced. He raised the blood covered sword, and hit it hard against the wall. The blood on the sword sparked, and merged with the blade, making it shiny, and very sharp. "Thanks." Levi said cheerfully.
"Anything else?" Riku asked, handing back the sword.
"Yeah." She said grabbing a rat out of her jacket. Riku's face lit up. He grabbed the rat out of her hand.
"Thanks." He said, eyeing the fat rat. It squirmed in his hand.
"What are you gonna do?" Craig asked. Riku didn't answer. He crushed the rat and popped it in his mouth.
"Eew!" Wendy shrieked. Riku glared at her, and looked back at Levi.
"There acting like they've seen a gruesome murder." He sighed.
"We have!" Lucy yelled.
"Oh. So I'm not aloud to eat?" Riku asked, swallowing the rat. No one answered.
"You should probably get into uniform." Levi said, walking out the door.
"Thanks!" Riku yelled out to her, grabbing his uniform.
"What was that?" Todd asked.
"Military stuff." Riku said, putting on the jacket. He put the pants on over the ones he was already wearing and the boots on last.
"I'm never joining the army." Lucy said.
Riku laughed. "Than why are you here? Your training to be an exorcist, right?"
"They don't go into battle." Wendy said.
"Your telling that to me?" Riku asked. "I know what happens. Exorcists are weak and always need someone to protect them. They can't do anything for themselves. Plus, they need a priest or priestess there, and their always killed first."
"What about you. Your an exorcist right? You know the spells and stuff. And you have a familiar." Todd said.
"Technically, yes, but I work more with combat. I don't use spells often. And my familiar is just for show. I don't need him. He's just a companion. And I don't need a priest. So I don't have the exorcist title."
"Why can't you be as nice to us as you were to her?" Wendy whined.
"I was not sent here to make friends." Riku said, putting the weapons back in the box.
"I thought we were friends." Todd mumbled.
"At least you know I'm not after you." Riku added.
"Than who is the demon?" Craig asked.
"I can't tell you." Riku explained.
"Common." Fred begged.
"How did you find out?" Craig asked.
"I can't tell you." Riku mumbled "it's classified."
"Ooh... Classified. It must be important." Wendy said sarcastically.
"Yeah. It is. I'll be out in a couple of days." Riku said.
"Why? You could stall the kill. Take a break." Todd offered.
"Yeah. Can't you stay until at least summer break?" Kevin asked. Riku shrugged. "Common. You at least have to stay for Christmas." Craig added.
"I've heard of it a lot. What's Christmas?" Riku asked.
"Okay. That settles it. Your coming home with us, so you can celebrate." Kevin said. "It's the best holiday ever."
"I always thought Acranis was the best." Riku said.
"The demon holiday of suffering and sacrifice?" Fred asked.
"Have you ever seen a mountain of dead creatures? It's beautiful. Okay? Flesh is the best." Riku said.
"Point taken." Lucy yawned.
"I guess everyone has different taste." Wendy added.
"Anyway... What's Christmas?" Riku added, loading his gun.
"It's a holiday, originally celebrated by Christians, but has spread to almost everyone. It's to celebrate Christ." Fred started, Riku didn't like it already. "But people forget that. It's now for little kids getting gifts form 'Santa'."
"It's a gift giving holiday." Wendy said.
"That's all you needed to say." Riku said. "Is there food?"
"Yeah. Delicious food." Kevin said.
"I'm in." Riku said without thinking. "When is it?"
"December 25th. Winter break starts after we get back." Kevin explained. "People make a big deal of it."
"Does there happen to be a decorated tree?" Riku asked.
"Yeah." Fred sighed.
"That explains a lot." He responded.

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