Chapter 10: The Final Fight

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Riku was sitting in his dorm, expecting the worse. He wasn't afraid to die, but he was afraid someone else might. Craig was sitting on Riku's bed.
"When is this going to happen?" He asked.
"Tonight." Riku said. "Probably about 12:00 or 1:00."
"Should I start getting people away from here?" Craig asked.
"Yeah. I still need to prepare." Riku said.
"If I don't see you later... Good luck... And goodbye..." Craig said, walking out the door.
"Thanks. Hopefully I'll kill him." Riku responded, putting an amo belt around his shoulder. He phone rung.
"Alpha 6-6-6." He answered.
"Just like prepared?" A voice.
"Yeah." Riku answered.
"We're counting on you." The voice said.
"I know." Riku sighed, hanging up.


Within an hour, the whole campus was empty. The sun has set and the spots on Riku's body had spread to the rest of his body. He took a deep breath, loading a flare gun. A helicopter was circling the area. Riku fired the flare gun, releasing a black smoke, and telling the others it had started.
"Come out you sick bastard!" Riku yelled.
"Why would I do that?" A demotic voice asked.
"Come out you coward!" Riku yelled again. A large figure, about 50 feet tall emerged from the smoke. Sharp spikes sprouted from its back and shoulders.
"Ah... Prince of madness." It teased.
"Don't call me that." Riku hissed. He grew a tail, claws, sharp teeth, and his ears grew pointy.
"I killed your father so I could be the king of madness and suffering. But the title went to you. I have two options here... I could kill you, and get more work, or you could join me, and you can have a family again. Be uncle and nephew." Satan offered.
"You are not my family." Riku hissed. The black smoke was starting to clear, making both of them more visible.
"I see your system is failing." Satan said, looking at his dark purple spots. "If you fight me... You are going to die. You know that, right?"
"How stupid do you think I am?" Riku asked. "I know that." Riku charged Satan. He dug his claws in his arm, but Satan easily swatted him away.
"Prince of madness? I expected more from you. Normally, you use insanity to your advantage. Why not now?" Satan asked. Riku didn't answer. He charged him. Red flares filled the sky, and several more helicopters approached. "You brought friends." Satan said, jumping on one of the helicopters. Satan grabbed the blade, and destroyed it. Several soldiers jumped out as the helicopter exploded on the ground.
"Not again..." Riku mumbled, sprinting towards Satan. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" He yelled, grabbing satans back, not caring that the spikes were piercing through him. Riku dug into his armor like skin with his claws.
"You're not going to be able to beat me." Satan teased.
"I'm not trying to." Riku hissed, stabbing him with his tail. Satan peeled Riku off his back and threw him against a building.
In that moment, Riku lost control of his body. He couldn't control his actions. "Your pathetic." Riku said.
He charged Satan so fast, he didn't have time to respond. Riku dug his fangs into Satans neck. Satan spun around, trying to get Riku off. Satan grabbed another helicopter, and killed more people. Blue flares filled the sky, they were fired much closer than earlier.


"What do you mean 'he's dying'?!" Lisa yelled. They could hear Riku's territorial  in the distance.
"Why would you let him do this?!" Todd added.
"Why not? He could kill Satan one and for all." Craig said sadly. "I don't want him to die, but he has to."
"That's bullshit." Todd snapped. "See the flares? That means he's not alone. The marine Corp will help him."
"Sure." Craig said, knowing it wasn't true. Todd ran into the campus.
"Where are you going?!" Wendy yelled after him. Todd didn't answer. He ran through the campus at full speed. He saw a glimpse of a giant creature, and he hid behind a building in fear. He watched as the creature effortlessly took down multiple helicopters and killed people nearby.
"YOU'RE A COWARD!" He heard Riku yell, and he sighed in relief, knowing he was still alive. He saw a smaller figure launch into the sky and dive bomb the larger creature. Sharp shots were stationed on some of the roofs, and Todd made sure he was out of their sight.
"Ready to fire." He heard the closest soldier say.
"Ready to fire." Another said. Riku jumped into the sky, and hundreds of bullets hit Satan, none did any effect. A stray bullet hit Riku's leg on his way back down. Riku ripped into Satan's neck, and he winced in pain. Riku stuck his tail in the wound and ripped out a piece of flesh. Several bullets entered the gash. Satan killed the rest of the soldiers. No more flares were fired, telling them they were alone. Satan threw Riku against a wall, breaking the concrete.
"Pathetic." Riku mumbled. Satan dug his claws into Riku's chest.
"Want to say that again?" Satan asked.
"Sure." Riku teased. He seemed unaware of the tail sticking through his skin.
"I was hoping we could work together." Satan said, slightly disappointed.
"Yeah. To bad." Riku added sarcastically. Todd noticed dark spots of all shapes and sizes covering Riku's body. It looked like a huge burn, but a darker color.
"I see. Your using insanity to your advantage now." Satan thought aloud.
"No. Really?" Riku asked, clawing at the tail pinning him against the building.
"I don't think I like your tone." Satan hissed, stabbing him even further. Riku ripped the tail off of him and fell to the ground. He tackled Satan, but was swatted away against the ground. Riku charged again, and again, he was pushed against the ground. Todd had to look away.
"Get out of there you idiot." He mumbled. Another fleet of soldiers came in and attacked the wound. Satan howled in pain. The moon was the only light. Todd peered around the corner to see Riku attacking Satan with the little energy he had left. Both were exhausted and injured, but Riku was determined to win. He was hitting Satan so fast with so little breaks that Todd felt that the fight was unfair.
"JUST DIE ALREADY!" Riku yelled, bursting into flames. The spots had covered most his body. Satan punched Riku high into the air, and he landed, cracking the concrete. Todd was surprised he got back up. "Your a coward." Riku said through gritted teeth. "You would rather kill me than let me be... Only because your afraid I will take your spot." Satan didn't respond. "I feel bad for you. To afraid to come out of your room. To afraid to be mature. To afraid of pain. To afraid of death." Satan snapped.
"IM NOT AFRAID IF DEATH YOU LITTLE BRAT! IM NOT A COWARD!" He yelled, stabbing Riku over and over again. While he was distracted, soldiers open fired.
"Do you seriously believe that? Your telling yourself lies." Riku said, blood dripping down his mouth. Smoke filled the area, making all the soldiers put their uniform over their noses and mouthes. Riku's insanity had passed. He was on the ground, breathing dangerously shallow.
It took a good 60 seconds for the smoke to clear. Satan was gone.
"He really is a coward." Todd mumbled to himself. A soldier ran up to Riku.
"Sir? Are you alright?" He asked. No answer. "Sir?" The soldier checked his pulse as the purr of helicopters came in. Todd ran over to Riku. His eyes were still open. He wasn't breathing. The soldier picked up a small device. "Alpha 6-6-6 confirmed death. 14:37, December 26." He said. Everyone was silent.
"No..." Todd mumbled. "No... No... No no no. This is a nightmare."
"It's okay. We've done enough testing. It is no longer needed." A voice on the other end said.
"It?" The soldier asked. "You do realize he had feelings, right? He was not a lab rat."
"What else would you call it?" The voice asked.
"A demon who has broke the boundary. He has started an alliance between humans and demons. He is not a machine. You cannot replace him." Todd shook Riku violently.
"Please. Move. Do something." He begged. Nothing happened.

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