Fixing Him

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Woop! Trying out a Harry fanfiction, which I've never done, so hopefully it turns out right.


"Honey, wake up, it's time for your first day of school!" I heard my Mother call up to me from the kitchen. I could already smell the fresh batch of pancakes she was cooking up and her cheerful morning music blasting through the stereo.

That's Mother for you. Awake and cheery at such an ungodly hour like this.

I groaned when I noticed my clock said six o'clock in the morning. That meant I had an hour to get ready, twenty minutes to eat breakfast, and ten minutes to drive to school. I got up anyways and began my usual morning routine, which has gotten a bit rusty since summer break just ended.

As I found my brush sitting on my dresser, I looked up at all the pictures hung around the mirror on the vanity. Some pictures were of me and a few friends from my cheer leading squad. I was co captain last year and made tons of friends. A few of them were of me and family, happily smiling into the camera like the perfect family we were.

I live with my Mother, my Father, and my older brother, James. We live in a fairly big house on the richer side of town; Mother is a brain surgeon and Father is into real estate. We're as cliche and perfect as any type of movies portray us to be and, to be honest, it makes me irritated.

I've never wanted a "perfect" family. I want to have arguments, disagreements, and be a little dysfunctional. I didn't want to get a daily allowance by doing absolutely nothing but have our maid, Sandra, clean the house thousands of times from wild parties.

As I continue looking through my pictures, I spot one of my ex boyfriend, Trent, and I. It seemed like the perfect relationship for about six months, until I found out he was cheating on me with the captain of the cheer leading squad, Marisa. It was a low blow really.

The breakup wasn't too messy though. I confronted him, he admitted to it, and we broke up that easy. I haven't even seen him since last year actually. I'm still mad though, not because he cheated on me, but because I wasted six months on him.

"Carmen Ariana Rose! I don't hear that shower running!" Mother yells up to me. I rolled my eyes at her screaming. Oh right, I have to get ready. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower to get her from screaming again.

After a quick shower, I walked back into my bedroom with a towel around myself. I picked out my first day of school outfit last night so, I just pick it up from my chair and set it on the bed. It's high waist jean shorts (not the ugly kind that look old and make your butt look weird), a black peter pan collared shirt, and gold shoes matched with gold accessories.

When I put everything on, I grabbed my big school purse, and ran downstairs to eat breakfast. Sure enough, there was my Mother singing along to a Jackson 5 classic, using her spatuala as a microphone. I didn't say a word and just grabbed my plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

Mother didn't even notice me as she did the electric slide and started reliving her glory days. Just then, James walked downstairs eating an apple and cringed at our Mother.

"She's gonna break a hip one of these days." He says as he walks out of the house. We don't go to the same school, for personal reasons actually. If we did, girls would only hang out with me to get to him, and guys would only hang out with him to get to me. Believe me, It's happened before.

I finished my breakfast in record time before yelling out a quick "bye" to Mommy dearest and rushing out to school. I have a black Camaro sports car with the name "Carmen1" on the license plate.

You ever feel as if you're on auto pilot sometimes? Like, your mind just does everything for you and your not actually there mentally? That's how I feel most of the times I arrive at school. Like now for instance, I didn't even realize I had already parked and was walking through the school doors until now. I didn't realize that one of my cheerleader friends, Sarah, was chatting to me about her summer and that everyone was waving to me.

I waved back of course and flashed them an award winning smile. Another thing about my perfect life is that i'm popular. Popular beyond belief actually, and I can't do anything to help it.

"There's a whole batch of new kids this year too! A few hots ones, a few ugly ones, and this one who's a nerd for sure." Sarah rambled on to me about the new students. I only half listened and went to the office to pick up my school schedule this year. Sarah stood with me in line, but began talking to one of the boys in the office.

I rolled my eyes and continued to move up in the line.

This is my junior year, isn't stuff supposed to be. . .exciting? Can something weird happen to me, something to shake things up, can I get a sign that something is going to be different this school year?

Suddenly, I got a tap to my shoulder. I turned around and stared at the boy who tapped me. His curly bed hair was unruly, his glasses were broken and obviously taped back together, his clothes hung off of him loosely, he was wearing sketchers, and braces were in his mouth.

Not the kind of sign I meant, Fate.

"D-Do you know where Mrs. Keily's classroom is? Everyone keeps telling me it's in the back building, but there is no back building." The kid stuttered out confusingly. I frown to him. I hate those lying jerks who think that confusing the new kid is cool. I, on the other hand, am no bully.

"It's upstairs to the right. Look for room number 104 and then you're there." I told him with a smile which he flinched to. Then, he nodded awkwardly and shuffled out of the office.

Well, he's an oddball. Knowing the people in this school, they might try to pick on him. Hm, I'll make sure to keep an eye for him. Strangely, he reminds me of a baby bird who needs guidance.

Oh, I just love helping people!

"Next!" The lady behind the desk said. I turned back around and told her my name among other things to get my schedules.

"Oh my god, Carmen, Trent is staring at you." Sarah whispered next to me. My eyes widened and I slowly turned around to see him smirking at my back and waving to me.

"Hey, babe! Long time no see." He called out to me. I groaned and speed walked out of the office. Today is going to be a long day.


Don't worry. Harry comes more into the story the next few chapters :)

Also, a few other One Direction special guests lol

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