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Anna's pov:

At 1:00 I stuffed my pajamas, another pair of clothes, a charger, my hairbrush, and a small pillow in my backpack. By the time I was ready my dad had to drive me. Rapunzel's house wasn't that far from mine, probably only a three minute walk, but I was already late.

I got out of the car, went up to the door, and rang the doorbell.


"Happy birthday Punzie!" I exclaimed and walked into the house. I handed her her present and we ran to her room. Elsa and this girl named honey lemon that I haven't met yet, but I've heard about were there.

She opened my present (google play gift cards and a bunch of Hersey chocolates).

"Hersey's!" She squealed. "Thank you!" We ran to her dads car and drove to Big Air. When we got there we all took off our shoes and put the sticker on our shorts. We than ran to the trampolines. Honey Lemon was doing all sorts of fancy flips flawlessly. I on the other hand failed at every flip I tried.

After that we tried the bull and I swear they made that thing harder. Rapunzel made it for the whole 30 seconds, but the rest of us failed.

I was fine until the 20 second mark. Then the bull started to jerk every which way and then it slowed down for half second and the bucked me off.

But I was still holding on to the rope and I wish I would have instantly let it go. I swung back into the bull hitting my nose on the side of the bull, hard. Then I let go and clutched my nose.

"Are you ok?" I heard my friends shout.

"Not really!" I replied, crawling my way out of the circle the bull was in. After that we went to buy snacks. Punzie, Elsa, and Honey Lemon got Icee's and I got one of those tubes of sugar.

When Punzie was ordering, Honey Lemon pointed out three boys filling the ketchup holder with sugar.

"Thieves! Dirty, dirty thieves!" I repeated until the left. After like, an hour we went to her house, watched T.V., and ate dinner ate cake, but before the cake Elsa had to go.

After we changed into our pajamas (over sized t-shirts and pajama shorts) and was about to watch the movie. Then Punzies sister came in and said they were going back to Big Air.

"Do you guys wanna go, or stay and watch the movie?" Punzie asked.

"Go." We replied. We went to big air (still in our pjs), but this time it was really crowded. I stood on my tippy toes scanning the crowd. Then I saw some one familiar.

Wait, is that Hiccup? No way. We went to the same school up until middle school, but we've talked over google docs ever since.

"I think Hiccups here!" I whisper yelled.

"Omg, where?!" She asked and I pointed to him. "He looks so different."

"He does."

"Who are you talking about?" Honey Lemon asked.

"Hiccup." We answered.

"Do you like him?" She asked.

"Uh, no?" I blushed.

"She totally does!"

When we finally got in we ended up behind him in line. They were mocking me and making hearts with there hands. When he looked back they stopped.

When he turned back around one of them shoved me causing me to fall and hit the back of his legs. He turned around and gave me a weird look.

"Uh, let's go on the bull!" Punzie said to make it less awkward. The rest went by pretty fast.

The next day when I went into my google docs to complete my English homework I saw a new document titled "Hey you read this". I opened it up and read it.

"It was nice to see you again, even though I couldn't really see you (I lost my glasses 10 minutes in). From what I did see however, you looked nice, not science camp nice, but nice.

From, Hiccup"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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