Punzie's Boyfriend

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A.N.- None of the characters belong to us, they belong to Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks.

Anna's pov:

It was 5 months into school, a rainy Tuesday to be exact. I was counting down the seconds till the bell for lunch rang. 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!

"Ring!" Freedom! I ran out of classroom and found Punzie and Elsa talking near Elsa's locker.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Oh hey!" Punzie exclaimed. We started walking to the cafeteria. Along they way Punzie ran over to Eugene and poked him. She walked back over to us. Elsa raise her eyebrow and I gave her a confused look.

"It's a thing we do." She explained. Punzie and Eugene have known each other since the first day of school and developed a crush on him about a month ago and he liked her back. We reached the cafeteria, got our food and sat down with our other friend Merida. About 15 minutes later Eugene and his friend (Kristoff) sat next to us. (Elsa next to Punzie, Punzie across from Eugene, Eugene next to Kristoff and me, Merida on the other side of me, and Elsa across from me)

"Hey Punz." Eugene said.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" Punzie asked.

"Nothing," he looked down and Kristoff nudged him, "Punz, I need to ask you something." Elsa raised an eyebrow and looked at me as to say 'what is happening?' I mouthed 'He's probably asking her out' and she giggled.

"Will you go out with me?" Ha asked.

"I new it!" I jumped up and exclaimed. Releasing I said that out load I instantly sat down with a blush. She looked surprised. She tried to talked but nothing came out of her mouth. She started laughing awkwardly.

"No she won't go out with you, she'll marry you!" I exclaimed. Elsa, Merida, and I laughed and Punzie reached across the table and lightly punched my arm.

Punzie got up and motioned for us to follow. Punzie, Elsa, Marida and I ran across the cafeteria and into the empty hallways. "What should I do?" She asked.

"I say you should say no. Boys are stupid." Merida replied.

"Don't listen to her. If you like him say yes. It's your choice." Elsa said.

"Yeah Elsa's right." I said. Merida started to get more comfortable with the Punzie getting a boy friend idea but still was talking it over with her. I was getting bored listening to their conversation so I decided to go back. I dragged Elsa with me.

"I'm coming you don't need to push me." Elsa complained.

"I'm not! I'm pulling." I smirked. We went back across the cafeteria.

"She said yes!" I exclaimed.

"Really?" Eugene asked.

"No. I don't know." I admitted.

"So she said no?" He asked.

"I don't know. I made it up. I didn't hear he final decision." I clarified. Punzie and Merida walked back to the table and sat down. Punzie smiled and nodded. For the the rest of the lunch he sat with us and talked and whenever he's around Punzie is really awkward and barley talks.

Today (the next day) he came over to us before school and at snack. He's getting a little clingy. Next we have lunch and if I have to hear one more of his story's, I'm going to shoot myself!

"Ring!" I found Elsa and we walked to the cafeteria. When we got there Punzie was already at the table and surprise, surprise, she was sitting next to Eugene.

"Of corse." Elsa mumbled. After 10 minutes of his non-stop talking, I was positive the only people enjoying themselves were Punzie and Eugene.

"I'll be right back. I need to go to the restroom." I lied as an excuse to leave.

"Me too." Elsa said and caught up to me.

"Do you think he will always be around?" I asked.

"I don't know. I hope not." She replied.

"It's really annoying. She barely talks and she's an awkward mess." I stated.

"I know, but at least she's happy." She said.

"I guess your right." I said. I suffered through the rest of lunch and two more boring classes. In the car pool Punzie wasn't talking, she was texting. When I looked at her phone she was texting none other than Eugene. Then he called her. Clingy! She explained that she was in the car pool and hung up.

About an hour later she texted me.

Punzie: Ugh! Eugene won't leave me alone!

Me: *cough* clingy *cough*

Punzie: I know and I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do. He's getting annoying and I don't know if I want to be his girlfriend.

Me: Then break up with him

Punzie: I don't want to hurt his feelings, but this hole thing is stressing me out!

Me: Okay, imma sound cheesy, but do what's right for you.

Punzie: I just- ugh!

Me: If you don't wanna be with him, break up!

Punzie: okay, I'll call him now.

A.N.- Anna here, just wanted to say, I'm not hating on Eugene, he just fits the part. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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