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'The whole day spending time together causing trouble'
(Amethysts POV)
"AND STAY OUT YA CRUCKS" the manager said
well me and vidalia got kicked out of the toy store for teaching a little kid some words bad words if you know what I mean. It was so much fun being with her the whole day like seriously we accidentally blew up the restaurants stove but it was still so much fun staying with her but the fun has got to end at some point cuz I have to go back to the temple now it is getting late so I asked vidalia"hey V, I Gotta go I have a lot of explaining to do when I reach back home"
"Well sure then I ain't stopin ya ."
"Thanks V, see ya in the mornin"I said as I ran towards the temple but then i was stopped "hey I could walk you to your house so I would know where you live and just visit ya."vidalia said , I think that's a great idea I mean rose and Greg have each other and Pearl has rose, I kind of felt sad once I had the thought of Pearl and rose but I don't own her so what's the use but then I will continue ,even garnet has herself as ruby my bud and sapphire so why can't I just have another friend to keep me company.
"Vidalia that's a great idea .. Well you are kind of right this is pretty far from my place"so we were both walking towards the temple.

'Time skip of walking'

"Wow sweet digs you live in a cave".she said I can't even believe she thinks the temple is cool yaaasshhh! "So see ya vidalia" as I was walking I was stopped again but this time she pulled me near her and she kissed my cheek I blushed because of the action she did, but the only thing I did not know was someone was watching the whole thing and didn't like it one bit "Hay V what was that for" me still in a blushing mess         " well I was just sharing affection, what's wrong about that huh amethyst.. Well gotta go bud see ya" she said and left but she left me in shock well I gotta think about this in my room now
While I was walking towards my door I bumped into someone
" oh sorry P I was just walking to my door"I said to her but her face looks a little mad right now
"AMETHYST WHERE WERE YOU THE WHOLE DAY! AND WHO WERE YOU WITH"she screamed at me but why does she care where I went today
I dint know what she means but I will just go with it.
"why do you care anyway all you care about is where rose is"
"No, all I wanted to know is where you were today"
"Well ... Where were you?"
" I was hanging out with a new friend what's the big deal about it any way"
"The big deal want to know what's the big deal it is that you were with a stranger which obviously you met today!"
"So what vidalia is cool"
"Vidalia so that's her name well tell her that you won't go near her ever again!"WHAT I DONT GET IT! I have no one and she wants me to be alone GREAT!
"WHATS WRONG WITH STAYING WITH HER ANYWAY"I screamed at her cuz she does not get it vidalia is cool and awesome why does Pearl hate vidalia so much
"Because she kissed you in the cheek and I did not like it one bit!" She said raising her voice . What she just kissed my cheek and now Pearl wants her gone what's up with her anyway, that's it I had enough
"JUST STOP THIS I'll be in my room" as I said that I ran towards the temple door not even taking a look back to see a hurt and sad Pearl.


(Pearls POV)
It was late night now and amethyst has not come home I was getting a bit worried . As I walked out of the temple I could see amethyst great she came home. As my body filled with relief but that end fast when I see her with someone, who is she and why was amethyst near her. As I walked towards them I stopped and felt a pain in my heart and a boiling rage in me . How dare her she kissed amethyst in the cheek and its suppose to me kissing amethyst .. Wait did I just say never mind . Amethyst should not go near her ever.


Oh no I think I may have gone overboard on this. I know how great amethyst is but she  belongs here and not with that Vidalia. Maybe I'll just apologize to her in the morning. as I was walking to my door the warp pad flashed and revealed garnet

Well I'm done cuz I have to go somewhere I will continue this story so pls leave a like ad a comment about my story and if you have a suggestion to another story I will make in the future so bye

Love Triangle (pearl x amethyst x vidalia)Where stories live. Discover now