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As pearl walked around the temple to find amethyst she was nowhere in sight. She decided to dig in amehysts trash just to find her. Pearl really felt guilty for what she has done but she felt as if it was the right thing to do. To protect something she cared about. Yes pearl really cared about amethyst even if she has fights with her from time to time she would never stop caring for her.

"Amethyst! Where are you? I have to speak with you. Please just come out!" She yelled hoping amethyst would come to her senses and speak with her. While walking around pearl heard objects moving and crashing from the other side of the mountain like trash piles. She walked around it to find amethyst kicking her junk around the place. As amethyst settled down pearl found that as an opportunity for her.

Pearl walked towards amethyst. She said in the softest voice she can "Amethyst"

Amethyst looked behind her and saw the gem who made her feel down. She looked to the ground avoiding eye contact with her.

(Amethyst POV)

"What are you doing in here pearl don't you hate my messy room. Don't you hate me!"I said tears at the edge of my eyes. I don't want to cry anymore. It makes me feel weak and I don't want to feel weak.

I looked at pearl and I saw the expression on her face was mixed with confusion and.. Hurt? Why would she feel hurt its all true!

"Amethyst I-I don't hate you and while your room is quite filthy but still. Amethyst I care for you a lot more than you think I do. I don't hate you at all and I... I uhh am sorry amethyst. I hope you can forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you and I never wanted to see you alone. I was just scared"

What pearl scared? That's impossible!

"Scared? Why are you scared? You can tell me"I say hoping she would get the message that I was ready to listen to her.

"I was .. Just so scared of being alone"

"But don't you have rose?! Garnet?!"

"Rose has Greg and Garnet has herself and I-i have no one"

"Look P you're not alone because I'm here for you and pearl."

"Yes amethyst?"

"I forgive you."

"Thank you amethyst."

Then we hugged.

Love Triangle (pearl x amethyst x vidalia)Where stories live. Discover now