A Trip to Tokyo Gallagher Girl Style

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Bex's POV

Cammie, Macey, Liz, and I were all heading to the Grand Hall for breakfast for usual. It was a normal Thursday morning. The sun was shining bright in the sky and there was still morning dew on the polished grass outside of the mansion. We went though the big doors that lead into the Grand Hall. Then Cammie, Macey, Liz, and I took our seats at the table we sit at every day with Tina, Anna, Kim, Mick, and a few others. Cammie and Liz started up a conversation about what we will be doing on our next CoveOp assignment. Macey took out her newest addition of Seventeen that she had posted flash cards and notes into and started to study for finals week. I just sat where i was and ease dropped on everyone's conversations. Picking up bits of information here and there about random things. Like how hot Mr.Solomon was or what everyone was doing over winter break, etc... Then the teachers started filing into the Grand Hall. Every head in the room turned and watched the teaches go by and sit in there seats at the front of the room. We then stood up and said our Gallagher pledge once Cammie's mom or aka Headmistress Morgan took her place at her podium. After that was announcements that were made while everyone began eating breakfast. I got about halfway through my pancakes when an announcement caught my attention. "I would like to inform all juniors that during winter break you will not be going home because...." We all waited with anticipation as she finished her announcement. "You will all be going to Tokyo with Mr. Solomon and myself. And for the rest of you, Professor Buckingham will be in charge while i am gone. Now after breakfast i want all juniors going up to their suits and packing you will be leaving today at noon."

I looked over at Cammie, Liz, and Macey. Their mouths were hung open touching the ground and their eyes as big as grapefruits. Which just made me wonder what i looked like. "Oh, yes, i forgot to mention that no uniforms are needed and you may wear casual wear." Said Headmistress Morgan. Then i looked at my three BFFs again and if it was even possible, i think their mouths hung even lower and their eyes even bigger than before. " And agian, i forgot to mention that Blackthorne will be joining us on going to Tokyo." She said now finished with the Tokyo announcement. And on that note, Cammie, Liz, Macey, and the rest of juniors including myself, ran to our suits and began packing on the dot. We went through our closets and picked out all our hottest clothes. Why? Because of Blackthorne. Because of boys. Exactly at noon we were all down by the front doors of the mansion with our bags ready to head off to Tokyo. "Everyone ready?" Asked Mr. Solomon. We all nodded. "Then let's go!" He said as we headed out the front doors on our way to Tokyo.

Hey guys hoped you liked part one of A Trip to Tokyo Gallagher Girl Style. I know i havent finished the Gallagher Girl : Operation B book yet, but i was so excited to write this that i began early. Anyways if you havent read Gallagher Girls : Operation B you need to. It about a misdion going wrong, Bex gets captured by the enemi, and Cammue, Zach, Macey, and Liz have to go and rescue her. Anyways i will hopefully be posting part two of this book soon. Thanks for reading! :)


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