Chapter Three

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Hello to all of you amazing readers out there!! So in this chapter they’re still in the car if you guys were wondering. Oh and there's a video there of Allison Parker (Sasha Pieterse)....

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P.S. I don’t know ANYTHING about London or England or LA cause I live in the Philippines. So please forgive me if I said anything wrong (also Jane is not real..). I mean typed. Hahaha… Enjoy!


“So.. where we eatin’?” she asked excitedly whilst her stomach growling.

“Nandos. Heard it was good there.. Well, actually, Simon says it’s amazing there..” I answered her, also feeling hungry as well.

 “Simon??!! THE Simon Cowell??!!” she asked shockingly. I still haven’t told her my job yet. Well it was kinda a surprise but I slipped so…

“Yeeeeaaaah… THE Simon Cowell.. I work in Modest! Management now… But I try not to brag about it.. But as much as it is AMAZING to work there, some people there are NUTS!! Making the kids do stuff they don’t really wanna do or making them stop doing what they…..” I catch myself midway. I wasn’t supposed to say that… to anyone.

She raised an eyebrow at me and then stared back at her window. Guess she decided to shrug it off knowing that I wasn’t supposed to talk about it.

“So…. enough about me… How’s life back in LA? You know, without me and all. No need to exaggerate. I know you guys miss me and all….” I said covering up what I just said. That’s the reason why none of my friends trust me with their secrets.

She laughed. “We’re fine.. Dad’s got a new car if that’s news to you.. Other than that we were what we were when you left..” she replied.

“Okay… How’s school?? Any “people” you want me to meet” I said, wiggling my eyebrows at her. I’d be surprised if she was still single until now.

“Nope. No one special, if that’s what you mean.. Although I do have a crush on a boy if that’s what you meant by “people”..” she laughed. I am surprised.

“Who’s the special someone then??” I asked her.

“Umm…. I’m really not THAT special to him, you know.. He just sees me as a friend… and what I mean by “friend” is just another girl passing by.. Although we do have homeroom together..” she answered, looking down at her lap, BLUSHING.

“Ever talked to him?”

“Nope. You do know I’m shy right?”

“Oh I do know you’re shy but that doesn’t mean you don’t talk to him..”

“I know.. I just.. ummm… h-he just..” she stuttered.

“He’s taken, isn’t he??” I asked. I know her waaayyy too well to not notice that.

“Yup.. Oh and I’m not the only one who has a thing for him. Almost every girl likes him. Some girls more than “like”… Well, except for my best friend, Brittany, who hates him. She says he’s a jerk and that he’s the boy version of Lydia.. You know, a match made in heaven..” she answers looking back down on her lap, her usual habit when she tells a story like this.


“Lydia Treloar. It girl. You know, the usual mean/popular girl who has to have THE best boy in school. The girl who insults the non-popular ones. The girl who bullies other girls who happen to have even just the smallest crush on Josh Hewley. Me and Brittany just try to lay low so we don’t get to be one of her victims..” she informed me.

“Ohhh…” I answered in interest.

“Did you know that we were already parked minutes ago?” she asked me.

“We were?” I asked in confusion “-oh yeah, we were.. Sorry, your stories just get the better of me every time” I winked at her. She smiled in return.

We made our way to Nandos and got seats and ordered. I turned my attention to the door as 5 familiar faces showed up wearing beanies and ray bans. Did I mention that I worked in Modest! Management? Well, I did. And I met 5 amazing boys. Not to mention very immature ones.


Hey guys!! How was it?? I wanna know what you guys thought of it..

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Love you guys!!



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