Hey guys!! If you guys are mad/pissed/angry at me for not posting regularly or often, it’s because school is taking most of the time that I have and it was just the 1st day and I already had a LOT to do so please do bear with me…
Comment down below if you guys have any thoughts, suggestions, and/or questions or things that you didn’t understand…
Tweet/follow me on twitter: @amy_gayle_17
Happy Reading!!! =)
*Allison’s POV
I woke up at 4:50 so that I wouldn’t be late, again. I lazily got up and headed towards the shower. I brushed my teeth afterwards and changed into a lavender-colored jogging suit. I slid my phone, some money and a small bottle of water in the pockets and zipped them shut.
“Goodmorning Ali!!” Jane greeted cheerfully. I smiled at her as I walked in the kitchen at where she was and sat down in one of the counter chairs.
“Hey Jane.. going to work today??” I asked.
“Unfortunately, yes…. LOT of stuff do…” she answered as she put her phone down (yes, she was texting) and went over to the fridge and got some breakfast for her (since I was already eating out) which I guessed was part of the left overs. I checked my watch and found out that it was still 5:20. Wow, I didn’t know I was THAT fast in preparing. I said a quick goodbye to Jane and closed the door behind me. Then I walked to the park.
“Hmmm, Zaynie must be late..” I mumbled to myself as I sat down on our usual bench and waited for him. It was quite a while now and I checked my watch to see what time it was already. 20 minutes have now gone by since I sat down (which was 5:30).
10 minutes.
Another 10 minutes.
Then 20 minutes passed by.
Then 10 minutes.
Then 20 minutes. It was already 7. Where was he??!!
I decided to wait atleast until 8.
I checked my watch again and it was already past 8. I decided again to wait for him for another 30 minutes. Maybe he just forgot or something. I texted him for what felt like the 20th time already.
It was already 9. Where was he?? I think I should get breakfast first. But what if he would arrive when I’m gone??
I decided not to go since I didn’t want Zayn to think that I left him or ditched him or something. But it kinda felt like he was the one ditching me. I immediately removed that thought from my head as I waited and waited and waited until I felt weak because of hunger. People were starting to stare wondering why I was just sitting there in my jogging suit. I didn’t really care though.
I waited and waited and waited until I got fed up and checked my watch for the umpteenth time. It was already half past 10. Wow, I waited there for 5 hours STRAIGHT. There must be some sort of record or something. I felt the depression rising again as I felt sadder and more hopeless by the minute. I decided to go already. It wasn’t worth waiting for him anymore. I waited 5 hours. 5 hours STRAIGHT and now I’m having brunch. Who the hell gets late for 5 hours??!!!

Taken (A One Direction Fanfic)
FanfictionAllison Parker is just a normal American 16-year-old…well she WAS.. before she met a fully-acclaimed British-Irish boy band who turns her world upside down. Not only does she gain amazing friends, meet new people and visit one of the most beautiful...