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Dan wants to stop living.

Every breath he takes, he wants to be his last. He wants to go to sleep and never wake up again. He just wants to die, disappear, cease to exist. He is tired of everything, but mostly himself.

Dan is stuck in a bad mindset, and has no way of fixing it. All the light in his world is gone, and he is left in the dark. Dan hates the dark, but it's all he has.

Dan doesn't care about anything anymore, if anything, he enjoys the pain, he's glad no one likes him - it means less people will be put in pain through his death. No one will be damaged beyond repair if Dan leaves.

His parents will cry and mourn - but they will get over it. His little brother, only three, will cry and wonder where he went - but he will get over it. Everyone will get over Dan, because he is insignificant; he doesn't matter.

Phil actually asked if he was okay today, he said yes, and although Phil obviously didn't believe him, he just shrugged. Then Lucas came and punched Dan in the jaw, which ruined the moment.

Today was probably the best day Dan has had in a while - Phil actually talked to him - plus, his mother and father have him a hug and a kiss, telling him they loved him before they and his little brother went away for the night, leaving Dan to study for his exam the next day.

Today was a good day, which is why it is a good day for Dan to die. He wants his last day to be a good day. Although in other's views, Dan's day was certainly not good, it was in Dan's eyes. Before he goes, he writes texts to three people: his parents, Lucas and Phil - that takes about an hour.

And then, Dan is done. He looks at the bottle of pills in his hands, sitting on his duvet, right in the middle. Dan doesn't hesitate, he just downs the pills and lets himself slowly slip away.

Dan stops living.

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