The Regreted Suicide

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In the morning will I suffer?

Will I be brutally imprisoned and then sentenced to burn in hell?

Maybe, possibly I won’t

But who can take the chance when the obdurate weight of the inhuman world attacks?

Who can survive in a world where each angle in sharp and painful?

There is a chance

A chance spread my emotionally bruised ragdoll of a body

To give it up to death itself

To become one with the emptiness

To become... nothing.

The iridescent reflection shows me myself like a mirror

Only the broken insanity is driving my head forward

No rearing back

No stopping

The harsh shock of ice cold water doesn’t shock me

It doesn’t drive me away to the hate polluted air

It numbs me

Electrocutes me with a coating feeling... fear?


I am afraid, so very afraid

Why do I carry on? Why not stop?

My eyes drop like falling stones

My head spinning like a TV on fast-forward

Round and round the inside revolve

I hear only my regretful thoughts as I slip towards the twilight

Into the thing I never knew

The death I didn’t think out

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