Graduation day

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Rossi's pov:
All day today at school all we did was talk about tonight. I tried not to think that today is the last day I'll see any of my friends again. At this thought I tried to hold back the tears. I'm gonna miss them so much but Calum mostly. I fell in love with Calum our sophomore year and I never told him how I felt so now he will never know. Once again holding back tears. Mr. Tomlinson asks me "are you ready for tonight?" I answer "yes" knowing I really wasn't. I wasnt prepared to say goodbye to Katie, Brooklyn, Gracie, Ashton, Luke, Michael, or Calum. Those are the ones that I've known since we were in pre-k and here we go, our separate ways. Hardest time ever. I sign out of school at 12:00 today which is a bit earlier than usual, but I have to go home and get ready. I walk in the house that after tonight won't be home. I walk upstairs to my little bedroom and get a quick shower to freshen up before 4:00. The graduation doent start til 5:00 but Mr. Tomlinson wants us back there by 4:00. Once I'm out of the shower I throw on some other clothes so I can do my make up and hair without getting anything on my dress. By the time I'm done with my hair and make up its 3:00. So I start putting on my dress and heels. I wait around for about 10 to 20 minutes before I get ready to leave the house. I get in my car and drive back to the school. Calum and Ashton are already there "told you the red was the best" says Calum. I smile and hug the both "you guys look great and smell great" the smile at me and I smile back then Brooklyn and Katie along with Michael come in the door. "Aww you look amazing" says Katie "so do y'all. Where's Gracie" I say "idk her and Luke are on the way last time I heard" Brooklyn tells me. And no sooner than she finishes they walk through the door and they look amazing too. I make Mr. Tomlinson take a picture of us. It looks great and when I look at it I begin to tear up then its time for us to go out our caps and gowns on.

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