the ceremony

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Rossi's pov:
As they call our names I grow more and more nervous. I'm one of the few people that had to write a speech. When the get to me its about 5:45ish I shake off my nervousness and walk on the stage. "Good evening." I start. "I just want to think everyone who is here toniggt for coming. People always asked me what I was gonna do when I graduated. Well I decided to move to California for a bit leaving everyone of my friends behind." Before I can finish I crumble the speech into a ball and throw it down. "I'm moving because its whats best for me right now. I'm gonna go to a college in Sacramento for a few years and get a degree. But.." I say them get cut off by Calum "can I see this for a second?" He asks pointing to the mic. "Ugh yeah" I say "sorry for the interruption. But I fell in love with a girl and I want her to know how I truly felt. She always told me she loved surprises so I hope this surprises her a lot. Rossi, I love you and I have since 10th grade. That's two years of holding back every bit of my feelings for you. I know you're leaving and I'm gonna miss you so much. I never thought that someone could make me so happy...then I met you. You changed my world so much since we started high school and I wanna say thank you for being what makes me who I am. I love you." He said. I cried and threw my arms around his waist. I swear everyone in the audience was crying. After graduation was over we walked outside by our cars. "It's so sad that you're leaving" Katie says "I know but I'll be back around" I say "I swear this is like the hardest time right now." Ashton says. They all hug me at once. Then it's time for me to leave because I have to catch my flight. I never wanted to say goodbye to them I cry all the way to the airport.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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