Chapter 10: Not A Perfect Escape

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  They ran through the halls of the palace, with stormtroopers on their tail. Totally not the greatest time ever. Colen and Elisa rounded corner after corner. It seemed like the palace was endless. There were no maps showing where the hallways would go so that wasn't a good thing either.

Colen looked behind him to see the pack of stormtroopers still on their tail. The lead stormtrooper shot at them and the laser hit the wall beside them. They passed a hallway to their left and a part of the pack went off through that hallway. Colen then found out that the stormtroopers probably knew the palace better then they did, and that wasn't a good sign.

The two rounded a corner and went up some stairs to the second floor of the palace. Lasers just passed their head as they reached the top of the stairs. Colen and Elisa rounded a corner and waited for the stormtroopers to reach the top of the steps.

"Move a bit farther that way." Said Colen motioning toward the other side of the hall, "look out for anyone."

Elisa, silently ran over to the other side of the hall and looked around the corner well Colen looked around the corner they just passed. He saw the lead stormtrooper come up to the top of the stairs.

"Come on, are you stormtroopers or what! Get up the steps." Yelled the stormtrooper.

Colen smiled to himself a little bit. He thought the stormtroopers were dumb, but not that dumb that they couldn't even get up the steps. He reached into his pocket and took out a smoke grenade, for 1) to not destroy the building and 2) to shoot at them. Once all the stormtroopers were up on the landing, they started a discussion. Colen rolled the grenade in their direction and it stopped in the middle of the stormtroopers. The grenade hissed and started spewing out smoke which, over time, covered their vision.

Then Colen took out his blaster and jumped into the hallway. He started firing and from the noise of clattering metal on the floor, he could tell he shot some of them. Colen kept on firing but he didn't notice a laser coming at him. He tried to jump out of the way at the last second but the laser skimmed his arm. A searing pain went up through his body as he landed onto the ground. Colen held onto his arm as he got up. He picked up his blaster that fell out of his hands and ran towards Elisa.

She apparently was talking to the rest of the crew because she was putting her comlink down. Elisa looked up at Colen and she got a look of worry in her eyes. She ran over to Colen and checked to see if his shoulder was okay.

"I'm fine. Elisa I'm fine." Said Colen over and over again.

"No you're not, you got hit by a laser on the shoul-" Said Elisa as she was cut off by a laser missing their heads by an inch. Colen and Elisa raced around the corner while Elisa told him what the rest of the crew said to her. They were apparently going to meet them at the windows by the water fall. She apparently also knew where she was going now, because they weaved around different corridors and Colen didn't even know where to go to get back to the entrance of the palace.

They went up two flights of stairs, turned two lefts, then a right and they arrived at the windows over looking the lake and the water falls.

"We're going to have to break the windows." Said Elisa.

"Wait, what?" Asked Colen.

"Yep, let's go!" Said Elisa as she pulled a blaster out of her pocket. She shot and broke the glass. She pulled Colen with her onto the ledge outside of the window. Colen didn't know about it earlier but he was apparently really afraid of heights. He looked down and below, probably more than an a hundred meter drop was the water, with a bunch of stone and rocks sticking out.

He breathed in and out, trying not to freak out and fall. Elisa was there to save him if she had to, so why was he freaking out? He didn't know. Elisa shot a grappling hook up towards the the ledge above them and zoomed upwards. They landed on the ledge and then they saw the Torch come out of the forest and start to fly towards them.

Colen was happy for a second but then the glass behind them broke and the other half of the stormtroopers that broke off from the pack were standing behind them with blasters pointed at their backs.

"Hands up." Said a stormtrooper, "and turn around."

Colen turned around with Elisa doing the same. The stormtrooper motioned for them to follow, but before they could move, lasers shot at them and it the stormtroopers. Colen and Elisa dropped to the ground and covered their heads. Debris from the walls and floor flew around everywhere and Colen didn't know what to do. Once the shooting was over, Colen looked out the window and saw the Torch waiting for them to jump on top of it and get inside.

"Go first Elisa." Said Colen. Right after he said it, Elisa ran out the window and jumped onto the ship. She looked at Colen motioning for him to jump. He walked backwards and was about to run but then he got shot. He thought he was dead for sure, but he just felt a shock up his body and he fell limp onto the ground. He landed facing the window and he could see the Torch pulling away from the palace as three TIE fighters chased and fired lasers after the rest of the crew.

Stormtroopers surrounded him and picked him. He saw a red light beaming from somewhere but he couldn't see it. Then the light turned off and a person came into view.   His head was pale white and he had really yellow eyes. He wore a full black suit and it looked like he was holding a disk with a handle in the middle of it. Then he noticed it was a lightsaber.

"Hello, Colen is it correct? I'm guessing yes, well, I'm the Inquisitor, and you are getting delivered to my master."

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